Resource Packs

Resource Packs

Below are a few Resource Packs I put together. The backpack Icons I would love to give credit to whom they belong to but I can not locate the link from where I got them. So whoever you are out there that made these, thank you! The extras in the resource packs; fonts, etc... were compiled from another Resource Pack and edited a tad here and there.

Knapsacks or Packs Only: Knapsacks Only
Packs with Fonts: Knapsacks & Fonts
Packs, Fonts, Blocks: Knapsacks, Fonts & Blocks
Packs, Fonts, Blocks & Entities: Knapsacks, Fonts, Blocks, Entities
Full Resource Pack, includes, Knapsacks, GUI, Entity, Blocks, Fonts, Misc, Sounds, Other....Full Resource Packs w/knapsacks
