Knapsack Stashing 101

Knapsack Stashing and Configuration

Basic Understanding:

What is Stashing? Stashing is when a player removed a Knapsack from player inventory and stores (stashes) it in another storage container such as a chest or another players inventory. When a player stashes a Knapsack certain things take place within the Knapsack System that allow players to return to a stashed Knapsack later on down the road. In addition there are some general messages that take place when other players perform stashing operations on a Knapsack that does not belong to them thereby notifying the player or owner in this case, if on line, who is messing around with their Knapsacks.

Stashing a Knapsacks that is part of your Auto-Fills requires the player to perform an action on that Knapsack prior to stashing it. The player can either turn off the stashing Knapsack from the fill-chain ( /ks fill [id] -t ) or turn off all fills ( /ks fill -t ). The first option is the more logical as it does not require any further player action after the stash is complete (turning fills back on). The reasoning behind this is to avoid extra moves of Knapsack to and from player inventory to other containers. Upon stashing the Knapsack the player will then be notified that the Knapsack of which was part of the players fill-chain, has been removed from the fill chain. Why does it need to be removed from the fill-chain? Due to the extensive logic with the Auto-Fill's all Knapsacks configured need to be on the players back (player needs to be carrying the knapsack). Additionally, if the option to just turn the Knapsack off and then stash it, could potentially result in future issues when the player is no longer near a stashed Knapsack and options to re-instate the Auto-Fills and Fill-Chain. Again, because of the determination logic with Auto-Fills Knapsacks will not allow a player to re-instate (turn fills back on globally) or turn an individual fill back on unless that all fills of the fill-chain are on the players back (carrying).


Config. Section >> 'Config.KnapsackStashing'

  • KnapsackStashing:
    • Enabled: true
    • AllowCrafted: false
    • Disallow:
    • - EnderChest,true
    • - Furnace,true
    • - Workbench,false
    • - Merchant,true
    • - Anvil,false
    • - Brewing,true
    • - Dispenser,true
    • - Enchanting,true
    • - Hopper,true
    • - Beacon,true
    • Uom: metric
    • PortSafeMessages: true
    • PortToPlayerMessage: true

      Setting "Workbench" to True will not allow players to remove Crafted Knapsacks. Leave this to false to support future release of Knapsack upgrades where the player will be required to place "x" amount of crafted Knapsacks of [size] into the crafting slots to receive an upgraded and/or larger Knapsack.
      Setting "Anvil" to True will not allow players to rename Knapsacks with an Anvil.
      These are the two exceptions to the rule and its suggested to leave these two containers at their default setting, false.

'Enabled' - turn stashing on and off
'AllowedCrafted' - turn on the ability to stashed crafted Knapsacks
'Uom' - the uom setting is one of two values, 'metric' or 'block'. Default is metric and this setting is shown when players issue the ' /ks port ' command that shows all the players stashed Knapsacks. The listing details how far away they are relative to where that Knapsack is stashed. In addition to this distance, reflected as uom, the player can also see who stashed their Knapsack. Both of these require the permission node ' knapsacks.stash.port.distance ' and ' knapsacks.stash.port.player '.
'PortSafeMessages' - turn on short messages when a player attempts to port to a stashed Knapsack. The default is on and when on, if a player ports to a stashed Knapsack and the immediate area to port to that stash is blocked with simply notify the player and attempt to find a non-obstructed area. Really no big deal, short and sweet, but in some attempts can be useful as the messages change based on the proximity of the actual port verses the stashed location.
'PortToPlayerMessage' - turn on the message when a player ports directly to another player of whom is carrying the players Knapsack.


Base command: ' /ks port (player) [id] -loc '

/ks portList all stashed Knapsacksknapsacks.stash.port
/ks port [player]List [player] stashed Knapsacksknapsacks.stash.port.player
/ks port [id]Port to Knapsack [id]knapsacks.stash.port.self
/ks port [player] [id]Port [player] to Knapsack [id]knapsacks.stash.port.other
/ks port [id] -locGets location of Knapsack [id]knapsacks.stash.port.location
/ks port [player] [id] -locGets location of [player]s Knapsack [id]knapsacks.stash.port.other, knapsacks.stash.port.location


knapsacks.stash.portAllows a player to view stashed Knapsacks
knapsacks.stash.port.selfAllows a player to port themselves to a Knapsack stashed location
knapsacks.stash.port.playerAllows a player to see who stashed a Knapsack in the stash listing
knapsacks.stash.port.distanceAllows a player to view the distance(uom) in the listing, other wise listing will reflect a proximity indicator
knapsacks.stash.port.locationAllows a player to retrieve the physical location of a stashed Knapsack should porting fail
knapsacks.stash.port.otherAllows a player to see another players stash Knapsacks and/or port another player
knapsacks.stash.port.*Grants a player all the 'port' permissions nodes.