Materials, Aliases, & Item Names

Materials, Aliases, & Item Names

NOTE: This information is pre v2.0.


For versions 1.0 to 1.2 there was a very inefficient system for aliases. The list for which can be found here.

Versions 1.3 and later refer to a file in the same folder as the config called items.csv for aliases. To add an alias, open the file in Notepad++ or Microsoft Excel (preferably Notepad++) and add a new line following the "alias,id,durability" format for versions 1.3 and 1.4 or "alias,material,durability" format for versions 1.5 and later (without the quotations of course).

Item Names

Item names refers to the name of the item (i.e. Adding a name to an item through the use of an anvil).


Mojang plans to drop Item Id's in the near future. As a result, Bukkit has to rewrite their code so that it too drops Id support. This means that a lot of plugins are going to drop Id support. As of version 1.5, ItemBank has dropped the use of Id's and now uses Bukkit's Materials. A full list of Materials can be found here.


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