Language Configuration

Language Configuration

As of v2.2, ItemBank allows server admins to set up their own configurations for the various messages that the plugin uses.

Which language to use is specified in the plugin's config file.

Yes, every message in the config has to have quotation marks ("") in order to work properly.

Language Template

en: # This can be replaced by a prefix that isn't already in use.
                fail: "You lack sufficient money to cover transaction costs."
                # The dollar sign ($) is needed for the plugin to recognize where to add the amount.
                success: "A $ transaction fee has been deducted from your account."
                amount: "You are unable to add this item to your account."
                item: "This item is non depositable."
                page: "You cannot add items to this page."
                    amount: "Amount in account"
                    explain: "The stack you selected puts you over the limit. Please split the stack and try again."
                    maximum: "Maximum"
            page: "Page"
            updated: "Account updated."
            account: "Opens a GUI with the items stored in the account."
                downloads: "Downloads"
                error: "Bug Reporting"
                for: "for"
                specific: "For specific command help use"
                version: "Version"
            description: "Description"
            purge: "Delete all or a specified player's account."
            reload: "Reloads the plugin's config file."
                admin: "Admin Usage"
                default: "Usage"
                player: "Player Usage"
            nofile: "File not found. Please check spelling and capitalization."
                single: "Account reset."
                multiple: "All accounts have been reset."
        reload: "Config reloaded."
    failedfile: "There was an error in creating your account file. Please contact an administrator immediately."
    ioex: "Error: An internal error has occurred. Please contact an administrator immediately."
    newplayerfile: "Do not edit this file unless it's absolutely necessary."
    nofile: "Error: File not found. Please contact an administrator immediately."
    nopermission: "Error: You do not have permission for this command."
    playercmd: "Error: This is a player command only."
    sqlex: "Error: Unable to connect to the database."
        current: "The current version is the latest."
        error: "Error: Update check failed."
        new: "A new version is available."
        bothenabled: "Vault detected and enabled in config. Using Vault for monetary transactions."
        noconfig: "Vault detected but disabled in config. No monetary transactions will occur."
        novault: "Error detecting Vault. Is it installed?"
    yamlex: "Error: Your account contains format errors. Please contact an administrator immediately."


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