Data import from older versions

FrameProtect 2.8 has integrated data migration functionality.

An import does not delete or overwrite the original data.

From 2.5
1) If you want to import your old config.yml, rename it to config.old else delete it
2) Put FrameProtect.jar into your plugins folder and restart the server.
3) If you want to use a MySQL database, update the MySQL part of the new config.yml and reload FrameProtect.

1) If you want to import your old config.yml, execute /fp import 2.5 <mysql|file> config.old.
2) Else, execute /fp import 2.5 <mysql|file>
Your old protections should be imported now.
Edited language files must be updated manually.

1) You can now delete config.old, language.yml and the saves folder.
2) If you imported data from a MySQL database, you can drop the tables fp_frames and fp_paintings.

From 2.6
1) Put FrameProtect.jar into your plugins folder and restart the server.
2) Delete the language folder. If you have a custom language file, back it up before.
3) Set the database type you want to use (config.yml) and reload FrameProtect.

1) Execute /fp import 2.6 <mysql|sqlite>
Your old protections should be imported now.
Edited language files must be updated manually.

1) You can now delete database.db.
2) If you imported data from a MySQL database, you can drop the tables fp_protection and fp_player (not to confuse with the new tables fp_protections and fp_players).