Components/Floors extension

Depends on / uses

usesInteractive block extension


  • Creating, removing and modifying multiple floors for each elevator
  • providing and referencing floors by name
  • Moving the elevator to floors...
    • using commands
    • or redstone, signs, etc. (requires Interactive block extension)
  • automatically or manually sort floors
  • use sorted floors to move to the next / previous floor of the elevator
  • skip over next / previous floors
  • loop sorted floors (can be used to build some type of paternoster)


Commands: /elev floor|floors

create [<elevator name>] <floor name>

purposeCreates a floor at the current position of the given elevator.
usage restrictionplayers
parameters[<elevator name>]: If specified, a floor will be created on the elevator with this name. Otherwise, a floor will be created on the elevator you are currently standing on.
<floor name>: Provide a name for this new floor!
examples/elev floor create "Bottom floor"
/elev floor create "cargo elevator" "Factory floor"

delete|remove [<elevator name>] [<floor name>]

purposeDeletes a floor without warning.
parameters[<elevator name>]: If specified, a floor on the elevator with this name will be deleted. Otherwise a floor on the elevator you are currently standing on will be deleted.
[<floor name>]: If specified, the floor with this name will be deleted. Otherwise, the floor at the elevators current position will be deleted.
examples/elev floor delete - deletes the floor at the position of the elevator you are standing on.
/elev floor remove "cargo elevator" - deletes the floor at the current position of elevator "cargo elevator".
/elev floor delete "Bottom floor" - deletes the "Bottom floor" of the elevator you are standing on.
/elev floor delete "cargo elevator" "factory floor" - deletes the "factory floor" on the "cargo elevator".

move [<elevator name>] next|prev

purposemoves the elevator to the next or previous floor of the current floor. Execute this command multiple times in a row to skip over floors.
parameters[<elevator name>]: If specified, the elevator with this name will move. Otherwise, the elevator you are currently standing on will move.
next|prev: Decide whether to move to the next or previous floor.
examples/elev floor move next
/elev floor move "cargo elevator" prev

move [<elevator name>] <floor name>

purposemoves the elevator to one of it's floors.
parameters[<elevator name>]: If specified, the elevator with this name will move. Otherwise, the elevator you are currently standing on will move.
<floor name>: the elevator will move to the floor with this name.
examples/elev floor move "Bottom floor"
/elev floor move "cargo elevator" "factory floor"

name|rename [<elevator name>] [<old name>] [<new name>]

purposechanges or displays a floor's name.
parameters[<elevator name>]: If specified, the name of a floor on the elevator with this name will be displayed / changed. Otherwise, the name of a floor on the elevator you are currently standing on will be displayed / changed.
[<old name>]: If specified, the floor with this name will be renamed. Otherwise, the name of the floor at the elevator's current position will be displayed / changed.
[<new name>]: The name of the floor will be changed to this new name. If left blank, the floor's current name will be displayed and it won't be renamed.
examples/elev floor name - Displays the name of the floor on the elevator you are standing on.
/elev floor name "official elevator" - Displays the name of the floor on the "official elevator".
/elev floor rename "cargo elevator" "Second floor" - Renames the floor at the current position of "cargo elevator" to "Second floor".
/elev floor rename "cargo elevator" "factory floor" "First floor" - Renames "factory floor" on "cargo elevator" to "First floor".



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