Q: How do I color prefixes or suffixes?
A: Use the '&' values. You can see the list ingame by typing /color list or here

Q: Why is the name in the tab list not fully displayed and contains '..'?
A: This is because of a limitation of Minecraft. Names can't be longer than 16 characters, and the section sign ('§') and the color value are counting, too.
For each color I need to add 2 characters to the name, the section sign ('§') and the color code (like c or 3)
For example the name would look like this: '§cxGhOsTkiLLeRx'
If the name would become longer than 16 characters Minecraft couldn't handle this, so I need to shorten the name

Q: Why are the skins broken when I use TagAPI?
A: This can be a Minecraft issue and is fixed after some minutes/hours. Or this is due to a cutting of the name. Here is a 16 characters limit, too.

Q: Why is my name above the head (e.g. via TagAPI or Spoutcraft) shortened?
A: The same rule as by the tab list (see 2 answers above) applies here, too.

Q: Why does ColorMe doesn't work with chat plugin XYZ?
A: Normally it should! ColorMe has a native group integration of bPermissions, PermissionsEX & GroupManager.
If you use another chat plugin, please read this tutorial: HowTo: Use Prefixes and Suffixes from ColorMe in other chat plugins
If this still doesn't work, turn 'softMode' to false in the config.yml

Q: When softMode is enabled, prefixes and suffixes are gone!
A: Upgrade to at least 3.6, then follow this guide: HowTo: Use Prefixes and Suffixes from ColorMe in other chat plugins

Q: Can you add brown?
A: No, this color is only available for wool.

Q: How can I make custom colors?
A: Turn 'custom' to true in the config section 'colors'. Then open the 'colors.yml' and add a new line.
Use a name you like - remember it! - and add the colors like this: '&6,&4,&c'
The color values must be separated by a comma!

Q: Does ColorMe support chat coloring (of the message) or signs?
A: Of course! You can even use rainbow (short: '&rain') and random (short '&ran')!

Q: Can I disable Suffixer/Prefixer/ColorMe
A: Yes you can, just turn the value in the config to false.

Q: Can I make multi-colored (mixed) names?
A: Yes, use the '-' character to combine them. Example: 'bold-blue'
Remember: You can't combine custom colors or rainbow and random!

Q: Can I make a prefix/suffix with a space in it?
A: Yes, use the '_' (underscore) to separate the words, for example 'This_is_a_long_prefix'

Q: Why does the player name looks in the console so strange/messed up?
A: If you are on Windows, use ANSICON to fix this.

Q: How do I use the word blacklist? (bannedWords.txt)
A: Add a word per line in the file. See the default example. One word per line!

Q: ColorMe is lagging?!
A: Delete your players.yml and turn "updateConfig" in the config.yml to true once.

Q: Why doesn't ColorMe work with EssentialsChat?
A: It does! Turn the value of 'changeDisplayName' in the Essentials config.yml to false
If you want to use the prefix/suffixes from ColorMe take a look at this tutorial: HowTo: Use Prefixes and Suffixes from ColorMe in other chat plugins

Q: How does ColorMe work with bPermissions, PermissionsEX or GroupManager?
A: Take a look at the examples, to see how the setup should be done: HowTo: Setup bPermissions, PermisssionsEx or GroupManager for ColorMe

Q: I'm writing BLACK all the time in the chat!
A: Changed behaviour in 3.7 a little bit! Remove yourself the colorme.autochatcolor.* permission or turn autoChatColor to false!

Q: My chat order/formatting is messed up!
A: Either adjust the formatting in the config OR turn useLegacyFormat to true!


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