
# For help please refer to or
# If economy is enabled, the values below are charged. Set them to 0 to make it free. Remember the free permissions!
  color: 5.0
  prefix: 5.0
  suffix: 5.0
# Should Prefixer be enabled?
Prefixer: true
# Should Suffixer be enabled?
Suffixer: true
  # The display name is used in chat
  displayName: true
  # Tab list can cause auto complete problems...
  tabList: false
  # If Spout is enabled color the name above the head?
  playerTitle: false
  # Also possible with the TagAPI!
  playerTitleWithoutSpout: false
  # Should colors on signs be enabled?
  signColors: true
  # Can the chat message contain colors?
  chatColors: true
# Define which colors are enabled
  black: true
  dark_blue: true
  dark_green: true
  dark_aqua: true
  dark_red: true
  dark_purple: true
  gold: true
  gray: true
  dark_gray: true
  blue: true
  green: true
  aqua: true
  red: true
  light_purple: true
  yellow: true
  white: true
  magic: true
  random: true
  rainbow: true
  bold: true
  strikethrough: true
  underline: true
  italic: true
  custom: true
  mixed: true
# The global default values, if a player has nothing and the group, too
  prefix: ''
  suffix: ''
  color: ''
# Clears the empty lines out of the config
updateConfig: false
# Show the '<' and '>' brackets
chatBrackets: true
# How long can/must a prefix/suffix be? (Without colors)
    max: 16
    min: 3
    max: 16
    min: 3
# Creates an extra log file. Helps to find bugs.
debug: false
# Should the player receive a new color on join?
newColorOnJoin: false
# Always, regardless if the player got own, display the global suffix/prefix?
  globalSuffix: false
  globalPefix: false
# Prevent some words in prefixes/suffixes?
useWordBlacklist: true
# Use groups or not. Own system or PEX, bPerms or GroupManager.
  enable: true
  ownSystem: true
# SoftMode -> doesn't alter the chat. Ability to add own plugin.
  enabled: true
  ownChatPlugin: Herochat
# Should the chat be automatic colored if the permission colorme.autochatcolor.<color> is given?
autoChatColor: true
# Should Factions support be enabled or not?
supportFactions: true


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