

Command NameStructure
Help/ck help
Select/ck select
Create/ck create [location]
Give Key /ck give [player] [location] [color] (-u=[uses]) (-w=[world])
Repair Key /ck repair [player] [location] [color] (-u=[uses]) (-w=[world])
List Locations of Your Keys/ck list
List Your Keys in a Location/ck list [location]
List ALL Locations/ck listall
List ALL keys for a Location/ck listall [location]
Charge on Delivery/ck cod [player] [location] [color] [price] (-u=[uses]) (-w=[world])
COD Queue/ck queue/q
COD Accept/ck accept [ID/all]
COD Deny/ck deny [ID/all]

More Info


Do I really need to put more info here?


The select command allows the OP to enter and exit the selection phase. Using it will display "Selecting Enabled" and if you use the command again, "Selecting Disabled".

The command gives you a wooden hoe when enabled, and takes it away when disabled, so it doesn't leave that pesky tool behind!

To select a door, simply right-click using a the wooden hoe.


Doors are created by automatically recognizing the color of wool you're using, and saving them per world, based on a user-defined location. These locations are not physical, so you could have all 16 doors in a single location, each 1000 blocks from each other, and they will still be part of the same location.

Locations are defined by YOU and can be named anything. You can have an infinite amount of locations, and each one can have up to 16 doors (one for each color).
NOTE: Doors are case sensitive! If you give one door the location name "Spawn" and the other "spawn", you will have created 2 locations.
To create a CK door, you need to select a valid door first, then simply use the command


/ck create [location]

where [location] is anything you want.


If you had a green door set up near your Spawn, and you wanted to make it a CK door assigned to the location "Spawn", you just simply select it and type


/ck create Spawn

and it will tell you:


[CK] You have created the Green door for Spawn

Once this is complete, doors will be 100% protected against redstone, and will prevent users without keys from opening the door.


The give command works on a per-world basis. We wish there was a way to trim down the command, but to allow for diverse capability in giving keys, this is as short as it can be.
Keys are currently intangible. We hope to add pickup-able spout item (that don't take up inventory space), but until then they are only virtual.


/ck give [player] [location] [color] (-u=[uses]) (-w=[world])

The command calls for:

playerThe player you want to give the key to.
locationThe user-defined location that you assigned the door
colorUses NUMBERS to assign the specific color door in that location. See below for details.
uses(optional) assigns the number of uses a player has to use the key before it breaks. Leave blank for unlimited. Precede uses with "-u="
world(optional) The world that the CK door is in. Precede world with "-w="

Color Codes

Colors are defined using the decimal system, not the hexadecimal system. We are sorry that this isn't easier yet, but as of right now the colors are defined as:

3Light Blue
5Lime Green
8Light Gray


If I wanted to give Notch a key with unlimited uses for the RED door for the location "spawn", I would type:


/ck give Notch spawn 14

but if I wanted to give dak 393 a key with 5 uses for the LIGHT BLUE door in the world "world" to the location "spawn", I would type:


/ck give dak393 spawn 3 -u=5 -w=world



/ck repair [player] [location] [color] (-u=[uses]) (-w=[world])

Repair is identical to the give command, but is used on keys that already exist but just need uses added, subtracted, or made infinite.

List Locations


/ck list

This command simply lists all of the locations you have keys to (including broken ones). If there is a location that you don't have a single key to, it will not list it. Locations with at least 1 working key will be listed in green, and locations with no working keys will be listed in gray. This command is allowed to everyone by default.

List Keys


/ck list [location]

This command will show you all of your keys for a given location. Keys that have unlimited uses will be listed in green. Keys with limited uses will have their number of uses left in parenthesis. Keys that are broken are greyed out. This command is allowed to everyone by default.

List All Locations


/ck listall

This command is only available to OP's, or those with permission. It will allow the user to view every location created.

List All Keys


/ck listall [location]

This command is only available to OP's, or those with permission. It will allow the user to view every color door created for the specified location.

Charge On Delivery


/ck cod [player] [location] [color] [price] (-u=[uses]) (-w=[world])

Charge on Delivery (COD) puts the described key into the selected player's queue. From the queue, the player can then select which keys he would like to purchase (that he has been given the ability to buy).

COD Queue


/ck queue|q

The Queue command shows a list of keys available to you to buy. The stats of each key are shown, including world, location, color, number of uses, and of course... price. Each key will have an ID number next to them. This ID is needed for the accept and deny commands.

COD Accept


/ck accept [ID|all]

The Accept command allows you to select which key you would like to purchase. You may either purchase individual keys by entering the ID number of that key, or you can select to buy all keys by instead entering "all" in place of the ID.

COD Deny


/ck deny [ID|all]

The Deny command allows you to deny individual, or all keys listed in your queue. You can select which key by entering it's specific ID number, or entering "all" in place of the ID.


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