
Stable Releases


Beta Releases

Beta 1.0.1
Beta 1.0

Alpha Releases

Alpha 1.7.1Added an Autoupdater for Bukkitmanager itself
Alpha 1.7Updated for Minecraft 1.3.1, optimized Commandsystem, Commandusage Statistics, Rechanged the Name from BukkitManager to Bukkitmanager
Alpha 1.6Updated /bm help command, Statistics, Block and Enchantment Logger, Command Aliases, Custom Messages, Fakepluginlist, /bm plugin load, MySQL and H2 Database Support
Alpha 1.5.2Updated to Minecraft 1.2.5, Automessage doesn't produces Errors when the automessage file is empty
Alpha 1.5.1Fixed some 'bm player' Command Bugs, Dev-Mode, single World backups
Alpha 1.5Automessage, /bm player commands, updated the PermissionsHandler
Alpha 1.4.1Fixed a Bug, where the Plugin doesn't start
Alpha 1.4Autobackup, Autosave, small Improvements
Alpha 1.3/bm automessage add, /bm automessage get, /bm automessage remove, /bm automessage send, Updated Help, Working config, updated for Minecraft 1.1
Alpha 1.2/bm bukkit update, /bm bukkit info, /bm bukkit config, /bm plugin config, /bm config
Alpha 1.1/bm plugin restart, /bm help updated, works with Minecraft 1.0.0
Alpha 1.0First Release, /bm plugin enable, /bm plugin disable, /bm plugin info, /bm plugin list, /bm config, /bm help, Help Support, PermissionsBukkit Support


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