
Note from the original author: I created this plugin many months ago and have since left the mainstream bukkit development scene. I am not offering support for this plugin nor updating it any longer.

You can now toggle the use of unlimited ammo! /gg useammo; version 0.4.4 and up.

I don't always have time to find bugs, mind answering the poll?


Have you ever wanted to experience Call of Duty in minecraft? Yes, yes you have. You can't deny it. Stop lying to yourself. With GunGames, not only can you now experience Call of Duty in minecraft, but you can play one of the best game modes possible!


GunGames utilizes the Bukkit API to allow the creation of arenas. Within said arenas, you can play the well known Call of Duty game mode known as Gun Games.
For those of you who have yet to play Gun Games or do not know what it is, let me explain... Every player starts with the same gun - a pistol. Each time you kill a player, your gun levels up. There are 5 guns in total; each one has two levels. The first level of each gun is single file. The next is fully automatic. This creates ten guns in total; each gun with a different power level. The first person to reach the tenth gun and kill a player is the winner. Be warned though, players can knife you; downgrading your current gun level. Removed this feature, was too over powered.

Arena Creation

  1. To get started, place the "GunGames.jar" file within your plugins directory. This directory is located within your server directory, and named "plugins". An example structure layout is [Bukkit/Spigot/Bukkit Forge]->[Plugins]->[GunGames.jar].
  2. Now you can either reboot, startup or reload your server. I suggest rebooting/starting up, but you can also reload and this is just my personal preference. 
  3. Now that your server has (re)booted/reloaded, you can type /gg for a list of commands. This help page lists all the possible commands; anybody with the GunGames Admin Command permission will be able to view the administrator commands (see below).
  4. To create your first arena, type "/gg giveaxe". This command gives you an axe which enables you to select the boundaries of your arena. Upon left/right clicking with this axe, a gold/diamond block will be placed, reverting to the previous block ten seconds later, showing you your chosen boundaries. 
  5. Once you have selected the minimum/maximum boundaries, stand on top of the first arena spawn point. Next, type "/gg createarena [ArenaName]" - you can specify whatever name your heart desires.
  6. You will now see that your arena has been created. The maximum players for a game depends on the amount of spawn points within that arena. When creating the arena, there is only one spawn point. To add more, type "/gg addspawn [ArenaName]" - this command adds a spawn point at the position you're standing for a specific arena. The maximum player limit is also increased by an integer of one when using this command. Note: the lobby for this arena will be set to your current position; you can change this by typing "/gg setlobby [ArenaName]".
  7. Now, your arena has been fully created. To specify the lobby for that arena location, execute the command "/gg setlobby [ArenaName]" - this sets the lobby spawn point to your current location for a specified arena. Note: you will need WorldGuard/Other Protection for your lobby as this plugin doesn't implement it.


  1. To create a sign wall, first you need the sign region selector. To get this, issue the command "/gg signaxe" - this command will you give a diamond axe that you can use to select a sign region. Left click on the first sign, and right click on the last sign with the axe. This plugin enables you to have a multi-row sign layout (like mcsg).
  2. Now you have your region selected, issue the command "/gg setsigns [ArenaName]". If the region you selected only contains signs, it will work. If the region contains air spaces or other blocks, the plugin will return an error message.
  3. Once you have successfully defined the signs for an arena, they should automatically update. The first sign should say "GunGames" in dark red; the rest will either say "Status" or the player count depending on the sign.
  4. Every time a player join or leaves a game, the arena changes state or server reloads, the signs will automatically update. If you find any bugs, please report them below.

Permissions allows a user to view the administrator command list for GunGames. allows a user to view the command list for GunGames.
GunGames.arena.createThis allows a user to create an arena.
GunGames.arena.deleteThis allows a user to delete an arena.
GunGames.arena.joinThis allows a user to join an arena.
GunGames.arena.leaveThis allows a user to leave an arena.
GunGames.arena.startThis allows a user to forcefully start an arena.
GunGames.arena.stopThis allows a user to forcefully stop an arena.
GunGames.arena.giveaxeThis gives the tool needed to set boundaries for an arena in creation process.
GunGames.arena.addspawnThis allows a user to add a spawn point to a specified arena.
GunGames.arena.setlobbyThis allows a user to set the lobby for a specified arena.
GunGames.arena.setsignsThis allows a user to define arena signs.
GunGames.arena.signaxeThis gives the tool needed to set boundaries for an arena sign region.
GunGames.gun.useammoToggle unlimited ammo.

Demonstration & Tutorial Video

Updated for version;)

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 21, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 14, 2014
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