KillZone - Bukkit Call of Duty.

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin is a playlist menu for my Call of Duty remakes that I am working on. At the moment, I have only done GunGames.


Have you ever wanted to experience Call of Duty in minecraft? Yes, yes you have. You can't deny it. Stop lying to yourself. With KillZone, not only can you now experience Call of Duty in minecraft, but you can play all of the Call of Duty gamemodes possible!


KillZone is a Minecraft remake of the Call of Duty playlist. The plugin itself does nothing on its own and requires at least one call of duty game mode (links below). This plugin creates an easy to use GUI for joining Call of Duty games. When you open the GUI via a command, it will list and center all current game modes installed. By clicking on one of these, you then have a list of arenas for that game mode. By clicking an arena, you can join it.

If no gamemode is installed the plugin will automatically disable itself.


To open the KillZone GUI, execute the command "/kz".


At this moment in time, I have only created GunGames. You can find this at


KillZone.Playlist.OpenThis allows a user to open the KillZone playlist.


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