
Pre made languages:

Languages can be outdated (don't worry it will automatically make the missing messages)

This page is for the messages.yml file. Here you can see which variable you can use with spceific messages and what every variable does.

In this table you can see which variables can be used with specific messages:
Everything not listed here, doesn't have any variable



global.barHeader %seconds%
global.buildScoreboardText %arena%
createArena.succes %arena%
deleteArena.succes %arena%
deleteSpawn.succes %place%
setSpawn.succes %place%
setBounds.succes %arena%
leave.otherPlayers %player%
vote.message %playerplot%
vote.title %points%
vote.subtitle %points%
join.message %players%
join.otherPlayers %player%
lobbyCountdown.message %seconds%
gameStarts.subtitle %subject%
gameStarts.subject %subject%
gameStarts.title %subject%
buildingCountdown.message %seconds%
buildingCountdown.title %seconds%
buildingCountdown.subtitle %seconds%
voting.message %playerplot%
voting.title %playerplot%
voting.subtitle %playerplot% %first_players%
winner.first %points%
winner.second %points%
winner.third %points%
winner.title %first%
winner.subtitle %first%
vault.message %money%
join-sign.line-1 %arena%
join-sign.line-2 %arena%
join-sign.line-3 %arena%
join-sign.line-4 %arena%
%max_players% %subject%
subject-gui.subject.lores %votes% %plot%

Explanation of the variables:



%arena% The arena which you created
%max_players% Shows the maximum players that can play in the arena
%money% Shows the money you are/will be awarded
%place% Which place you created
%player% Player who executed the command
%players% Show the number of playees in the game
%playerplot% Who's plot you're currently are
%points% How many points you gave / you received
%seconds% How many seconds there're left
%subject% The subject