Configuration File Guide

#Edit the configurations to your liking
Message-To-Broadcast=[Server] Enjoy this server? Consider donating to help fund it! Options available on our website.

Above is the default configuration file that's generated when you first run the plugin. Below, I'll write a line-by-line explanation so that you can understand what each option does.


  1. Edit the configuration file to your liking <</code>>
    This is a comment. You can type anything you want to as long as you don't modify or remove the #.

Available options: "false" "true"
If set to true, the plugin will broadcast a message at the preset interval. If set to false, the plugin will only broadcast when you type the command.


Available options: "Permissions" "SuperPerms" "OP"
If set to Permissions, the plugin will look for the third-party plugin Permissions and base who can see the message off of that. If set to SuperPerms, the plugin will use the built-in permissions system. If set to OP, OPs can use the commands and will not be able to see the message. Everyone that isn't an OP will be able to see the message you broadcasted.

Message-To-Broadcast=[Server] Enjoy this server? Consider donating to help fund it! Options available on our website

The message that's broadcasted to the players on the server. You can change everything after the equals sign. Changing the equals sign or anything before it will result in errors.


If recurring broadcast is enabled, this will determine how often the message is broadcasted. If recurring broadcast is disabled, you don't have to change this at all.


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