
Broadcaster - Broadcasting all of your messages!
Version: 2.1.4
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Broadcaster allows you to broadcast an infinite amount of messages to specific users on your server. Broadcaster is lightweight, easy to configure, and powerful, all in one quick and easy to use package. Simply download it, drag and drop to your plugins folder, and restart. A configuration file will be generated and you can edit it as your server runs. When you're done editing your configuration file, simply type "broadcaster reload" on the console and your configuration file will be loaded without disturbing your users. Feel free to make any suggestions you would like in the plugin in one of the replies below.


  • Allows you to broadcast as many messages as you want to select users on your server
  • You're allowed an infinite number of messages to send to your users. The only thing you have to do is configure more messages in the configuration file and update the number of messages to reflect the new number
  • Manually broadcast a message by typing "/broadcaster broadcast [message number]" when you're in-game or through the console
  • Very lightweight, easy-to-use, and comprehensive setup allowing you to tweak the plugin to your server's needs
  • Permission support either using OP or SuperPerms (configurable in the plugin setup)
  • Coloring is available using hex codes in the configuration file (example: &4Message here)
  • Allows you to give select users a permission node so they no longer see the message. This is useful for creating a message in which only newly-registered users can see so that they can register on your forums or do some required action like reading the rules
  • All commands that work in-game for managing the plugin also work through the console for your convenience

Planned Features

  • None at the moment, feel free to make a suggestion


  • /broadcaster reload - Reloads the plugin. Executable either through the console or in-game and allows you to reload the configuration file without having to restart the server and annoy your users
  • /broadcaster preview [message number] - Allows you to preview a message before sending it to all of your users. Usage would work as follows: "/broadcaster preview 1" and this would allow you to preview Message1 in the configuration file
  • /broadcaster broadcast [message number] -Allows you to send a broadcast to everyone that doesn't have the specific broadcaster.exemptfrommessage permission node associated with that message. For example, "/broadcaster broadcast 2" would broadcast a message to all users without the permission node "broadcaster.exemptfrommessage2"

Permission nodes

  • "broadcaster.use" - Allows a player access to the broadcast and preview commands ("/broadcaster broadcast" and "/broadcaster preview")
  • "broadcaster.reload" - Allows a player access to the reload command ("/broadcaster reload")
  • "broadcaster.exemptfrommessage[message number] - Prevents a player from seeing a specific message. For example, "broadcaster.exemptfrommessage4" prevents all players with that permission node from seeing Message4.

Configuration File

Configuration file setup on Github


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 25, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 14, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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