Customisation Options

This page is outdated and refers to version 1.3. For up to date information, see the pages on permissions and config.yml

This page gives an indicator of what customisation can do.

MySQL Information

You can change the address of the mysql server, the port, the name of the database and of course the username and password

Teleportation rights

You can control 6 different circumstances:

  1. trying to teleport to your own shop, and the shop is openF
  2. trying to teleport to your own shop, and the shop is closed
  3. trying to teleport to someone else's shop, the owner is online, and the shop is open
  4. trying to teleport to someone else's shop, the owner is online, and the shop is closed
  5. trying to teleport to someone else's shop, the owner is offline, and the shop is open
  6. trying to teleport to someone else's shop, the owner is offline, and the shop is closed

You can disable/enable teleporting for any of these circumstances.

For the blue options, you can set the teleportation style to "request", where the owner is notified that someone wants to teleport to their shop, and is given the option to accept or deny that request.

For the red options, you can set the style to "bind" which prevents users from teleporting to their own shop unless they receive a teleport request from another user. If they accept the request, they are teleported to the shop with them.

Shop List

These options control the style of the shop list.

You can control what shops appear in the shop list depending on whether the shop in question is open/closed and whether the owner is online/offline.

The other feature is the ability to control the maximum number of shops shown by the shop list before the list is abbreviated. The normal list displays each shop on a new line with the description that the owner chose when registering their shop. The abbreviated list just shows a list of shops, separated by a comma. This is designed to prevent the list growing too big and bordering on spam, however; you may prefer the abbreviated list and choose to set the threshold to zero such that the unabbreviated list is never shown

Message Colours

Each message given to the player is given a category, such as advice, user error or successful execution. In fitting in with your server's colour scheme or your own preferences, you can change most of the colours used in messages by Boutique. The only exceptions are messages given out to the console before the configuration has loaded.

There are 16 colours to choose from (as many as bukkit allows, I think) over 12 different categories of message. (5 of these control different parts of the shop list table)


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