How to create and modify symbol packs

How to create and modify symbol packs

How to create a symbol pack

Just use the command "/createSymbolPack <symbolPackName>" with the name of the new symbol pack as the first argument. Watch out that there isn't another symbol pack in the plugins/BannerLetters/symbols folder with the same name. How to modify a symbol pack

How to modify a symbol pack

To add a new banner to a symbol pack, use the "/addSymbolToPack <symbolName> <symbolPackName>" command. The first argument is the new name for the symbol, watch out that it is unique, the second is the name of the symbol pack it should be part of and you need to hold the banner which you want to add in your hand. How to delete a symbol pack

How to delete a symbol pack

Use the "/deleteSymbolPack <symbolPackName>" command. Check if everything works/which symbol packs are loaded

How to check if a symbol pack is loaded/list all symbol packs

To do this, use the "/listSymbolPacks" command which prints a list of all loaded symbol packs and their symbols to the command sender.


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