How to use AutoSort


  • Place an empty chest against a wall.
  • On the wall above the chest, place a sign
  • On the first line of the sign, put "*netName", netName being whatever you want to call the network.
  • On the second line of the sign, put the material name, ID, list of IDs, or custom group name that you want to be in the chest, or "misc" if you want it to be an assorted chest.
  • Place a sign post anywhere, with the first line being "*netName", the other lines left blank.


  • Place another chest, with another wall sign above it, again with the first line being "*netName" but leave the second line blank. This creates a "drop chest." You can have as many deposit signs or deposit chests as you need.
  • Throw items onto the sign post or place them in the drop chest, and watch them disappear to be sorted into your chests!


  • Place another chest, with another wall sign above it, this time with the first line being "#netName" leave the second line blank. This creates a "withdraw chest." You can have as many withdraw chests as you need. However, only one user may access a withdraw chest at once.

Notes about withdraw chests:

  • From this chest you can access and retrieve the contents of the network. A withdraw chest acts as a sort of backward drop chest. To use a withdraw chest, simply open the chest. All the contents of the network will populate the chest.
  • The top two inventory squares in the chest inventory are your scroll buttons. Simply click the left or right square to move through the contents of the network inventory.
  • If for some reason the network doesn't have any items then the chest wont open.
  • Also if the network becomes full while the user is accessing the withdraw chest, all items from the withdraw chest that can not fit back into the network will be placed on the ground next to the chest.
  • Only one user may withdraw from a given network at a time
  • With the autosort.use.withdrawcommand permission any user who is an owner or member of a network can withdraw from a network by simply typing /aswithdraw <ownerName> [netName]
  • Custom Inventory blocks usually can not be used as withdraw chests. A special set of conditions need to be met for a withdraw chests to work with custom inventory blocks. 1. The block must fire Bukkit Inventory Open, Close and Click events. 2. The block must also be a member of Bukkit's InventoryHolder class. If those conditions are not met. Then the block can not be used and an warning will be displayed in the Server console about the issue

Final notes:

  • Networks are secured by ownership. The creator of the network becomes it's owner, and is the only one who can add, destroy, or access chests in that network.
  • If you want to create a Public network, meaning a network anyone can access, you would simply create a network with the name $public and that network will allow anyone to access its chests.
    • Example first line on a sign: *$public
      • That would create a public deposit chest. Use Hash(#) or Astrisk(*) as normal
    • Only the creator can edit this networks chests.
    • Anyone with the autosort.create.public permission can create their own public network.
    • Only one public network is allowed to be created per owner.
  • Player with autosort.override, the network owner, or the console can use /addtonet or /remfromnet to add other players to the network so they can use it as well.
  • Players with the autosort.override permission may, access any network, destroy any network block and add members to a network regardless of ownership.
  • You can set a few options for your chests on the fourth line of the sign. Multiple options can be put on the same sign, separated by a space.
    • Control the priority of the chest by putting "P:#" on the fourth line of the sign, where # is a number from 1 to 4, 1 being highest priority. Default priority is 2. Items will be sorted into higher priority chests first, and items in lower priority chests will be resorted into higher when possible.
    • If you want to put your sort sign somewhere other than above the chest, put "D:#" on the fourth line, where # is any combination of the following: N, E, S, W, U, D, F, B, L, or R representing the cardinal direction (or to the Left or Right for L & R, Forward or Backward for F & B and Up or Down for U & D) where the chest is in relation to the sign. Default is D for down.
    • For directions like L, R, F, B. The directions correspond to the way the sign is facing. So when you place a sign the text of the sign will be the front of the sign. This means that Forward will be moving in the direction behind the sign. Backward will be moving in the direction that the text is facing. Left and right are then self apparent. To put it another way: if the sign text is facing North, then Forward would be in the South direction. Making Left the East direction, Right the West direction and Backward the North direction. Simple enough right? :)
  • It is possible to also use a furnace as a deposit chest that will extract smelted items. It is legacy code and it is preferred that you use a networked hopper to extract / place items into a furnace.
  • In the config, you can set a default proximity, as well as exceptions for certain networks. Once a network is created, new sort chests can only be placed within a set number of blocks from the first chest. A value of 0 means unlimited distance.
  • The center two lines on a sign are used for sort chests and designate the materials that are to be sorted into a chest. You may use: The item id number, the craftbukkit material name, or a custom material group as set up in the config or via the addgroup command\
  • To link autosort up to LavaFurnace simply create a sign that uses the lavafurnace production smelt chest as a sort chest. Use the LAVAFURNACE tag as the custom material group. This group can be edited in the config to add other items for automatic smelting
  • Custom Inventory blocks not normally in Bukkit (IE Those added by forge: IronChests for example) Require BKCommonLib v.1.54 up to work with AutoSort. This library was used so NMS/CraftBukkit Hooks were not needed and so the plugin is not likely to break for each version of Minecraft


Example Pic

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(Big thanks to Arcania for the vid!)