Command List

/autosort [netName]
Sorts your entire inventory excluding your inventory bar / hotbar into the specified network.
/autosort [ownerName] [netName]
Same as above but finds the network owned by the specified owner
/autosortall [netName]
Sorts your entire inventory into the specified network
/autosortall [ownerName] [netName]
Same as above but finds the network owned by the specified owner
Reloads plugin data files. This will load from last save. Meaning any network changes not saved will be lost.
/addasgroup [group name] [IDs separated by spaces]
Adds a custom material group.
/modasgroup [group name] [IDs separated by spaces]
Add additional items to a material group.
/delasgroup [group name]
Delete a material group.
Cleans up the networks, removing broken chests and empty networks.
/addtonet [netName] [players separated by spaces]
Adds players to the specified network so they can create chests in it.
/remfromnet [netName] [players separated by spaces]
Removes member players from a network
/asremnet [ownerName] [netName]
Deletes an entire network from database
Lists all custom material groups.
/listasmembers [ownerName] [netName]
Lists all members of a network
/aswithdraw [netName]
Opens an withdraw inventory window for withdrawing from the specified network
/aswithdraw [ownerName] [netName]
Same as above but finds the network owned by the specified owner.