Configuration Guide

AutoMessage features a fully dynamic configuration to allow customization of almost every aspect of the plugin. If you would prefer to use the in-game commands then you do not need to read this however many users prefer editing the file manually then reloading the config. Always verify that your YAML syntax is correct here!


  enabled: true
  min-players: 5
  log-to-console: true
    enabled: true
    random: false
    interval: 45
    expiry: -1
    - '&1First&r message \nin the default list!'
    - '&2Second&r message \nin the default list!'
    - '&3Third&r message \nin the default list!'
    - 'These messages will be displayed to users with \nautomessage.receive.default!'
    enabled: true
    random: false
    interval: 45
    expiry: -1
    - '{text:"Hover over me!",hoverEvent:{action:show_text,value:[{text:"Woah, you just hovered over me!",color:blue}]}}'
    - '{text:"Click me to run a command!",clickEvent:{action:run_command,value:"/say Clicked."}}'
    - '{text:"Click me to open Google!",clickEvent:{action:open_url,value:""}}'

Message Lists:

Messages Lists are the basis of AutoMessage. They allow you to have multiple sets of messages that you can send to different players or groups. # Pick a name to represent your list.

  1. Copy the format from the default configuration shown above.
  2. Modify the settings as desired until it fits your needs perfectly.
  3. Verify that there are no errors with your config then save.
  4. Reload the configuration and add the permission automessage.receive.(message-list) where (message-list) is the newly created list to the appropriate players or groups.

Configuration keys:

enabledtrue/falseEnable or disable the entire plugin from broadcasting messages on the server.
min-playersany positive integerSpecify the minimum number of players that must be online for messages to be broadcasted on the server.
log-to-consoletrue/falseMessages will not be displayed in the console; however, they will be sent to the members.
message-listsarray of message listsThis is where you define your message lists. Each message list needs a unique name which allows you to assign its permission to accordingly.
enabledtrue/falseEnable or disable a specific message list from broadcasting messages on the server.
intervalany positive integerSpecify the interval at which messages from this list will be broadcasted on the server.
randomtrue/falseEnable or disable randomised broadcasts.
expirya time in millisecondsA time in milliseconds in which the message list will stop expiring or -1 if the list should not expire.
messagesarray of stringsA list of messages that will be broadcasted on the server. Accepts both plain and JSON messages.

Configuration Tutorial:

  1. Open the config.yml located in the AutoMessage folder in your plugins directory in your favorite text editor.
  2. Edit the values accordingly click here if you need a description of the value types.
  3. Add or edit the message lists and configure them to your liking!
  4. Edit the messages to your liking. Feel free to add more or remove some whatever fits your server the best. Be sure that you enclose each message with ' ' and have proper spacing infront of the messages!
  5. Copy and paste your config into a YAML syntax checker such as the one found here; fix any errors that occur.
  6. Re-paste your "fixed" config back into the text editor.
  7. Save your file then reload the config from console or from in-game by doing /am reload!
  8. Give the appropriate permission to the players or groups who you want to receive the messages in the message list.


  • Apostrophes can be added by replacing single apostrophes ( ' ) with double apostrophes ( '' ).