
Please also check the Commands for other permissions.

- antimulti.cmd.*: This gives permission to use any of the AntiMulti commands. This should only be given to admins.

- antimulti.whitelist: This lets the group log in to the server when the AntiMulti whitelist is active.

- antimulti.whitelist.notify: This lets the player know that the whitelist was toggled. This is good for admins to know if the whitelist was engaged or not and by who.

- antimulti.whitelist.*: This gives all the whitelist related permissions, which is antimulti.whitelist and antimulti.whitelist.notify. This does NOT give the permission to use the command however.

- antimulti.admin: This marks the group/user as an admin and to use the admin settings for the player instead of the player settings.

- antimulti.*: This gives every permission. Self-explanatory.