
What follows is the default config. The # after is just comments and explains what that part does, it is not a part of the file.

#Explanation of this file, suggest reading so you know what
#everything does
#protection: which protections to enable
#protection.ip: whether to enable the IP protection (true/false)
#limits: the limits to names and ips
#limits.member: limits set on members
#limits.member.ip: how many ips a member can use how many names can use one ip
#limits.admin: limits set on admins
#limits.admin.ip: how many ips an admin can use how many names can use one ip
#throddle: how many ticks between logins
#messages: allows setting of different messages
#messages.whitelist: the kick message when the antimulti whitelist is on
#messages.max: the messages to show when a certain limit is reached
#messages.max.ip: the message to show when the ip has been used too many times the message to show when the name has used too many ips
#startup: toggle what things start up with the server
#startup.whitelist: whether to start the antimulti whitelist on server start (true/false)
#version: the version this config was made from (do not touch this please)
#mysql: the mysql details
#mysql.enable: whether to use the mysql for storage (true/false) if false, the rest may be left blank the host used to connect to the mysql
#mysql.port: the port used to conect to the mysql
#mysql.user: the username used to connect to the mysql
#mysql.pass: the password used to connect to the mysql
#mysql.db: the database to use

  ip: true
    ip: 2
    name: 2
    ip: 1
    name: 1
throddle: 5
  whitelist: 'You are not whitelisted'
    ip: 'Too many IPs used'
    name: 'Too many names used'
  whitelist: false
version: 2.0.7
  enable: false
  host: localhost
  port: 3666
  user: root
  pass: password
  db: database