
Main Config Setup

mysql:      -- Don't worry about this, it may be deleted or added later.
  usingmysql: Mysql coming soon(TM).
  url: Mysql coming soon(TM).
  username: Mysql coming soon(TM).
  password: Mysql coming soon(TM).
  usingfilters: true     -- Do you want to turn on automatic filtering?
  defaultReplace: -snip-     -- What word should be used if you don't define a custom filter?
  filter:       -- Place ALL of the words you wish to filter in this list.
  - bitch
  - shit
  - whore
  - place
  - test
  customFilters:      -- Add your custom filters here. Things not listed here but are listed above will use the defaultReplace option.
    place: pLace
    bitch: dog
    shit: crap
    test: -snip-
  noWarn:         -- What words should NOT trigger an automatic warning, but still filter the word?
  - place
  denyCaps: true       -- Shall we turn on some ALL CAPS control?
automatic_warnings: true        -- Do we want the system to automatically warn players who trigger a filtered word?
warning_levels:           -- At what levels do what actions happen?
  fallback: warning     -- If a player exceeds the listed amount of warnings, what action should we take?
  '1': warning    -- Avalible actions: warning, kick, mute, freeze, restrict, ban
  '2': warning
  '3': warning
  '4': restrict
  '5': freeze
  '6': kick
  '7': mute
  add_more_here: Yes, if you want. Anything that goes over the amount you d3fin3d will use the fallback value. If you delete that value, you may throw an NPE error.
exempt:          -- Who gets a get out of jail free card?
  Hugh_Jasses: false
  WaffleQuackers: true
evacExempt:     -- Who is exempt from a global lockdown?
  Hugh_Jasses: true
freezeEffect: true  -- Should freezing people have a cool effect?
useJoinMessages: false  -- Override default join messages?
useQuitMessages: false  -- Override default quit messages?
WatchListNotify: true -- Shall people on the watchlist notify staff?

Style Config

### Administratum Global Style Sheet ###

    Menus: '&cAdministratum &4// &c'
      Color1: 'e'  -- Overall warnings
      Color2: '3'  -- Menu colors
      Color3: '7'  -- "Lookup" colors
    LookupColor: '3'  -- Individual lookup color
    LookupDivider: '1'  -- Divider (//)
  Warnings:  -- These are pretty self-explanatory, just remember to surround them with ' and use a YAML parser if it throws errors.
    Automatic: '&cAdministratum &4// &cWarning, %player&c, swearing is now allowed! This is warning %warning'
    AutomaticAction: '&eAction&f: &3%action'
    General: '&cAdministratum &4// &cWarning - %player &c- %reason'
    Mute: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas muted by %auth &4// %reason'
    UnMute: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas unmuted by %auth'
    Kick: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas removed from the server by %auth &4// %reason'
    Ban: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas forever removed from the server by %auth &4// %reason'
    UnBan: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas allowed to return to the server by %auth'
    Freeze: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas frozen by %auth &4// %reason'
    UnFreeze: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas unfrozen by %auth'
    Restrict: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas blocked from breaking and placing blocks by %auth'
    UnRestrict: '&cAdministratum &4// &c%player &cwas allowed to break and place blocks by %auth'
    LoginMessages:  -- If this is true in the main config, these will replace vanilla join messages and a random one will be called each time.
      - '&cAdministratum welcomes %player &cto the server!'
      - '&c&oRemember, we are always watching you, %player!'
      - '&cWelcome to the server, %player&c!'
    QuitMessages:  -- If this is true in the main config, these will replace vanilla quit messages and a random one will be called each time.
      - '&cAdministratum wishes you would have stayed longer, %player!'
      - '&cThanks for stopping by, %player!'
      - '&cCya later, %player!'
    EvacOn: '&cAdministratum &4// &cA global lockdown has been initiated by %player'
    EvacOff: '&cAdministratum &4// &cThe global lockdown has been lifted by %player'
    Logoff: '&eYou have logged off.'
  Console:   -- When you enable / disable the plugin, what shall it say?
    BootUp: 'Administratum active. WE ARE WATCHING YOU!'
    ShutDown: 'Administratum inactive. WE ARE STILL WATCHING YOU!'
  DefaultFormat: '%channel &f// %prefix %suffix %player&f: &7%message'
  Comment: See the config help on my bukkit page for the placeholder list. Turn the option below this to true to enable beta features.
  useBetaFeatures: false
    - '&cAdministratum &4// &cGlobal Dashboard of %selected'
    - '&8| &eOverall Warnings&f: &e%overall'
    - '&8| &eAutomatic Actions&f: &3%automatics'
    - '&8| &eGeneral Warns&f: &3%generals'
    - '&8| &eKicks&f: &3%kicks'
    - '&8| &eFreezes&f: &3%freezes'
    - '&8| &eRestrictions&f: &3%restrictions'
    - '&8| &eBans&f: &3%bans'
    - '&8&oLookup&f: &7/a [a] [g] [m] [k] [f] [r] [b]'


%player - Who was effected? (USES DISPLAY NAMES)
%name - Who was effected (FULL NAME)
%reason - Why?
%auth - Who executed the action? (USES DISPLAY NAMES)
%afull - Who executed the action? (FULL NAME)
%warning - What number warning are we on?
%action - What action was taken?
%prefix - Channel-only prefix. %suffix - Channel-only suffix. %message - Channel message


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