Command Overview/Detailed


Any base command also has an /a variant, such as /akick and /amute, incase you are using other plugins. You may also execute commands from the console, which will log the player as "console" under the offending player's dashboard.

Remember, /a help, /a help2, and /a help3 are good resources of information in-game.


Put it in your plugins folder and start your server, or use a plugin such as PluginManager to load it. Remember to config it or you'll be stuck with the silly default filters I put in!


/kick <player> <reason>

This command removes someone from the server with a fancy message as well as logging the user and reason who kicked them.


/mute <player> <reason>
/unmute <player>

This command prevents someone from speaking until you unmute them. It also logs the user who muted them and the reason.


Administratum uses a lower form of banning, mostly for emergencies or temporary lockouts. If you really want to ban someone, please use something like MCBans. With an Administratum ban, the player is allowed to connect for less than a second and it kicks them. This reminds you to unban them later. Not recommended for normal use. For this reason, only the /a variant is available. Once again this is logged under <player>'s dashboard.

/aban <player> <reason>
/aunban <player> <reason>


/freeze <player> <reason>
/unfreeze <player>

This command is used to freeze a player on the spot. We don't use async here so don't worry about any lag! Once again this is logged under <player>'s dashboard.


/restrict <player> <reason>
/unrestrict <player>

This command is used to prevent <player> from breaking or placing blocks. This was intended to stop griefing as you see it, or to act as an odd form of punishment. Once again this is logged under <player>'s dashboard.


/warn <player> <reason>

This command simply issues a warning to <player> for <reason> and is logged to <player>'s dashboard.

Filter Management

Here's the fun stuff.

/a filter add <word> <new word/phrase>
/a filter remove <word>

Add a word to be filtered. For example, /a filter add crap poop would change "crap" to "poop" and issue a warning in chat when someone says it.

/a nowarn <filter>

This will change one of your filters to not issue an automatic warning, but still filter the word.

/a warn <filter>

This turns back on automatic warnings for <filter>.


/a ex <player>
/a -ex <player>

These players will not get warnings or filtered words. Using -ex removes a player from the exemption list.

Lookups and Player Dashboards

/a sel <player>

This brings up the global dashboard for <player>. Your selected player is saved on an individual bases when performing commands.

/a k will show kicks that were issued to <player>.
/a m will show mutes.
/a g will show general warnings.
/a a will show automatic actions.
/a f will show freezes.
/a r will show restrictions.
/a s will select yourself as the player to lookup.

Report System

Want to report someone for abuse? Use..
/report <reason>
Want to view the reports? Try /report list
How about removing an old report? /report remove <ID>
The IDs are listed on the left side of the report.

Plugin Management

Administratum comes built in with some commands to make using the plugin easier.

/a save will save all warnings and data. This is also automatically done on plugin shutdown and player login.
/a reload will load changes from the config.
/a disable will completely disable the plugin, making it appear red in your list of plugins.
/a restart will disable and re-enable the plugin. Note that if you have disabled it with /a disable this command won't work.

Join/Quit Messages

You can use Administratum to control your login and logout messages. Because why not? These need to be turned to TRUE in the config in order to use them. This will override the vanilla messages. You may add messages through the config or in-game and /a reload.

/a join add <message> will add a join message to be thrown in the random queue.
/a join remove <message> will remove a message.
/a join list will show the messages you have installed.

Quit messages work in the same way, just type "quit" instead of "join" for the above commands.

Channel Configuration

/a channel toggle turns the channel system on and off.

/a channel add <channel> <alias>
/a channel rem <channel>

These two commands add and remove channels. The alias is how you talk in them. If your alias is s, you use /s <message> to talk.

/a channel prefix <player> <prefix>
/a channel suffix <player> <suffix>

These change a players prefix and suffix that can display in a channel, if you've included %prefix and %suffix in your channel format.
You'll need administratum.titles.self to edit your own and administratum.titles.others to edit others.

/a channel join <channel>
/a channel leave <channel>

Leaving and joining channels. What channels have you made so far? Check out /a channel list.

/a channel kick <player> kicks someone from the channel you're in.
/ a channel ban <player> bans someone from the channel you're in.
/a channel unban <player> unbans someone in the channel you're in.

You must have administratum.channels.actions to use the above three commands.

Want to see how many people are in your channel, and who? Use /a channel who.

Formatting is fun. You can make the channel look ANY WAY YOU WANT!!!

/a channel format <channel> <format>

Example: /a channel format Staff &4Staff &c %prefix %suffix %player&f: &c%message
All placeholders: %player (display name), %name (full name), %prefix, %suffix, %message


You can have a watchlist to view who did what and even be notified if they log in (configurable).

/watchlist add <player> <reason> Adds someone to the watchlist for <reason>.
/watchlist rem <player> Removes someone from the watchlist.

Whoops, I put in the wrong reason. Now what?

/watchlist edit <player> <new reason> Reasons can be as many words as you like.

Where did all of the information go? Try /watchlist view to see all of the info.

/watchlist toggle Turn on and off the on-join notifications. You must have administratum.watchlist.alerts to see these alerts.

Extra Commands

/a help search <query> searches the help database for what you specified.
/logoff will log you out of the server. Why? Because it's unnecessary and over-the-top.


This command initiates a global lockdown on the entire server.

  • Freezes all players
  • Mutes all players
  • Prevents all players from breaking or placing blocks
    To disable the lockdown, type /evac again. There is an exemption list for the command, but you must add them manually in the config. Remember, only players with "administratum.evac" can use this command.


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