

Commands that need players



into the command wherever the selected player should appear. For example,

command="/give %player% 4 64"

will give 64 cobblestone to whichever player is selected when the command button is clicked. Adding %player% to a command also disables the button while no player is selected.

The playerlist and navigation panel will only appear if at least one button on the screen needs a player. Players can be searched for by typing the name in the box and clicking the 'Find' button. If the player is there the player will automatically be selected and have the playerlist oved to their position.

Commands that need parameters



into the command wherever a parameter should appear. For example,

command="/give %player% %param% %param% %param%"

creates the give button in the screenshot above. The three text boxes created by this command are for the item, the damage, and the amount. If there is no damage value, the amount can be entered into the second or the third text box - empty boxes are ignored.