


  • adds customizable recipes for horse armors, saddle and name tags
  • lets you create special kind of horse armors that lets you fly with horses
  • safe horses and get them as spawn eggs with a special kind of leash
  • create fully customizable flying horse parkours
  • prevent loss of spawn eggs in WorldGuard regions flagged with mob-spawning deny


There currently exist recipes for

  1. name tag
  2. saddle
  3. iron horse armor
  4. gold horse armor
  5. diamond horse armor
  6. special kinds of horse armors to fly with

All recipes are customizable and shaped besides the name tag recipe, which is unshaped (you can put the ingredients in any order in a crafting menu).

Default Recipes:

Flying Horses

By equipping a Magical Horse Armor, your horse learns to fly as long as the armor stays equipped and has enough fuel. You can customize the recipes in the config.yml.


By repeatedly pressing the space bar your horse starts flying. If you stop pressing the space bar, you will float slowly to the ground. As long as you stay mounted, you will not take any fall damage just like any horse that has a Magical Horse Armor equipped.

Default Recipes:


Depending on the armor that you are using, the ability to fly with your horse is limited to the amount of fuel. The remaining fuel can be seen by hovering over the armor.

You can easily refill the fuel by putting a configurable refill item and the Magical Armor into a crafting menu. The current default refill items are:

  • iron block for iron horse armor
  • gold block for golden horse armor
  • diamond block for diamond horse armor

Not all armors can be used by all players, so make sure to give the different types of permissions. (see below)

Saving Horses

Just type the command /horse leash and you will get an enchanted leash. By rightclicking a horse that you own and that has a custom name set, you add it to your leash and it disappears.

Instead you will get it as a spawn egg. Therefor you have to leftclick with the leash and a custom inventory will appear.

Horse Parkours

Experience a very new gameplay by beating parkours with a flying horse!

You have the possibility to add parkour signs for easy joining and leaving or you can just use the commands /horse parkour for a list of all parkours, /horse parkour <parkourName> for joining a parkour and /horse parkour leave for leaving a parkour. Please check the configuration section for details about creating a parkour.

Configuration and Setup

Parkour Config
Parkour Sign Setup


  • /horse help: general help page
  • /horse admin: admin help page
  • /horse leash: Gives you the magical leash to store your horses
  • /horse parkour: Shows a list of available parkours
  • /horse parkour <parkourName>: Enters a parkour
  • /horse parkour leave: Leaves a parkour
  • /horse parkour create: Creates a parkour with the given name at your current position
  • /horse parkour setstart: Sets the start for the given parkour
  • /horse parkour setfinish: Sets the finish for the given parkour
  • /horse parkour addreward: Adds the item in your hand as a reward for the given parkour
  • /horse parkour clearreward: Clears all item rewards for the given parkour
  • /horse parkour rewardmoney: Sets the money reward for the given parkour (requires Vault)
  • /horse parkour addcheckpoint: Adds a checkpoint to the given parkour at your current position
  • /horse parkour clearcheckpoint: Clears all checkpoints for the given parkour and all dispensers that are connected to it
  • /horse parkour editcheckpoint: Lets you add dispensers to the given parkour and checkpoint
  • /horse parkour dispenser: Adds a dispenser to the given parkour and the active checkpoint
  • /horse cancel: Cancels the creation of a dispenser


horse.*description: Gives access to everything
default: op
horse.reloaddescription: Reloads this plugin
horse.use.*description: Allows to fly with every horse armor
horse.use.irondescription: Allows to fly with iron horse armor
horse.use.golddescription: Allows to fly with gold horse armor
horse.use.diamonddescription: Allows to fly with diamond horse armor
horse.leashdescription: Allows to use the magical leash that can store your horses
horse.parkour.playdescription: Allows to start a horse parkour
horse.parkour.createdescription: Allows to create and edit a horse parkour
horse.parkour.sign.usedescription: Allows usage of parkour signs
horse.parkour.sign.createdescription: Allows to create parkour signs
horse.nofueldescription: No usage of fuel

Optional Dependencies

  • Vault: Allows money rewards for horse parkours
  • WorldGuard: prevent loss of spawn eggs in WorldGuard regions flagged with mob-spawning deny


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 31, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Feb 17, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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