

HGSponsor adds greater control over a Hunger Games server's Sponsor system. Many of the plugins designed for Hunger Games either lack a sponsor system entirely or have very little control over the aspects of the sponsoring. HGSponsor aims to add greater control in this area. Players are able to sponsor another player with a variety of things that are not limited to just items!

This plugin Requires Vault to support the Economy! It will not load without it in!

To Use:

Type in /sponsor playername itemname

Permission Nodes:

            - hgsponsor.sponsor.*  - Allows sponsoring of Items, Xp and Effects.
                - hgsponsor.sponsor.item - Allows sponsoring of items.
                - hgsponsor.sponsor.xp - Allows sponsoring of Experience.
                - hgsponsor.sponsor.effect - Allows sponsoring of effects.
                - hgsponsor.sponsor.<giftname>  //replace gift name with the name on the Sponsor List. - Allows sponsoring of a specific Gift.
            - hgsponsor.tribute.* - Allows player to receive any sponsor's gift.
                - hgsponsor.tribute.item - Allows player to receive item gifts.
                - hgsponsor.tribute.xp - Allows player to receive any Experience gift.
                - hgsponsor.tribute.effect - Allows player to receive any effect gift.
                - hgsponsor.tribute.<giftname> - Allows player to receive a specific gift.

All the messages sent to the players are customizable and support color codes. The messages support variables for extra customization!
Current Sponsor Gifts:

  • Items with data value support.
  • Experience Points
  • Potion Effects


Planned Gifts/additions:

  • Enchanted Items
  • Add command to check items that can be sponsored.
  • Ideas?? I am open to suggestions and ideas to expand upon this plugin. Please Post suggestions under the tickets section.

Servers that run HGSponsor:

  - hg.evilcraft.net

PM me to get your server added to this list.

This plugin should work on all future updates of Bukkit unless there is a major change in how bukkit handles things.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 4, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Oct 3, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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