

This video below sums up what's happening with Villages (and all my other plugins) and most likely a lot of other plugins, this is just my two cents and I would appreciate if you would watch this video.


What is CreditShops?

CreditShops is a simple to setup and easy to use Player based shop plugin for Bukkit. This plugin allows players to create shops and sell items, or buy items (at fixed prices). Currently this plugin doesn't have a lot to offer as it was only designed to be a simple plugin, I may add more features in the future but don't expect any for a while.


Dev Section coming soon! I swear! (not really but I'll get to it when I'm bored eventually)
In the mean time, check out the GitHub GitHub page for the source code.

Plugin Notes

This plugin will require CraftBukkit, It will try it's best to find it whenever a newer version is released, and hopefully (unless Craftbukkit changes again) should find it after each update, however if it fails to find it for whatever reason, then the plugin will not enable! If that is the case, check back here to ensure that I haven't released an update!

Required Plugins

No plugins are required for this to work, however the plugin will be pointless without Vault, and some economy plugin, due to the economic features of this plugin.

"Planned" features

I use the term planned loosely, as most of these "Planned" features are just ideas running through my head that I'm considering. Don't expect these any time soon.

  • Player set prices, let players set the price of the merch in their stores Done!
  • Possible Integration with Villages for Village based stores.
  • Linking with DomsCommands for use with the /getid command.
  • Better Sign support, make signs that will let you directly sell items.


There aren't many commands at this stage and I don't have a lot of help available.

CommandDescriptionPermission Needed
/createshop [name]Creates a shop with the supplied nameCreditShops.createshop
/price (item)Prices the item you're holding, or if an item is supplied, it'll price that.CreditShops.price
/shop (shop)Opens the shop supplied, or the Server Store if no name is
/creditshops (reload)Allows access to reload the configuration, or get Plugin informationCreditShops.creditshops


Permissions are basic at the moment, use with vault for easier configuration.

Permission NodeDescription
CreditShops.*Gives all permissions used by this plugin.
CreditShops.creditshopsAllows access to the creditshops command.
CreditShops.priceAllows access to the price command.
CreditShops.shopsignAllows access to create Shop Signs.
CreditShops.shopAllows acces to the shop command.
CreditShops.createshopAllows acces to the createshop command.
CreditShops.overrideAllows acces to bypass shop sign breaking.
CreditShops.buyAllows acces to the buy command.
CreditShops.sellAllows acces to the sell command.
CreditShops.shoppriceAllows access to set the prices of items in a player's shop.


Example of a default configuration file and what each option does:

#Enable Debugging mode to help find errors
debug: false
#Change the way the plugin looks!
  default: '&7'
  important: '&9'
  error: '&c'
#Set various prices
  #Money to Create Shop
    price: 100.0
  #Money earned back when closing shop
    refundprice: 50.0
  #Money to create and/or break Shop signs
    price: 100.0
    refundprice: 50.0
  # Extra percentage the server will keep when using /buy and /sell
      inflateprice: 1.1
      deflateprice: 0.9

Item Worths

By default the plugin will create Item worths for all known Bukkit items, this should do most things you need it to do, you can adjust the prices by editing the worth.yml file, items are stored using my DomsItem API, and more specific item prices can be changed (say, charging more for Jungle wood than regular wood). For information about adding your own items, check here for information about making your own item's. Here's an example:

'{id:"WOOD"},{data:"3"}': 0.80

Will set the price of Jungle wood to 0.80 rather than 0.60


Here I will rundown the basics of how to use the plugin as a merchant, and as a customer.

As a Merchant

The first step is to make sure you have enough money to open a store, this will likely vary depending on the server and economy system.
When you're ready to create a store, think of a name and type

/createshop [name of shop]

To Create it
After you've created the shop, anyone can open it with

/shop [name of shop]

And the shop screen will appear, from here other's can select to buy items from you, sell items to you, and see who owns the store (if anyone).

After you've made a store you can offer items for sale by holding the item and typing

/shop sell (amount)

Where the amount is the amount you want to sell, if no amount is entered, then the entire amount of the item you're holding will be put for sale.

If you wish to offer to buy items from others, then simply type:

/shop buy [item] [amount]

And your store will then offer to purchase items from anyone who opens the store.

If you want to sell items for cheaper, or dearer, you can do this easily with:

/shop price [buy/sell/both] (item) [price]

to set the price of an item, if you don't enter an item name it will use the item you're holding. These item prices stick permanently so make sure they're correct after they've sold. You can also chose Buying or Selling, or both prices to be set, to offer items cheaper or more expensive.

To Remove items from the shop, or stop buying items from others, simply open the store, select the item from the shop and double click it to remove.

As a Customer

If you want to price the value of an item, you can run this command:

/price (item)

You can either enter an item name, or just hold an item that you want priced and this will show the price each, the price to /buy and the worth of /sell

If you wish to sell an item, simply type

/sell (item) [amount]

To sell the amount you enter, if you type in an item name it will sell, otherwise it'll pick the item you're holding.

You can also buy items using buy, but you will need the item name

/buy [item] [amont]

To buy the amount of the item you enter.

Finally, to view shops that can be opened, type


When you have a list of shops you can then type

/shop [name]

to open it and start shopping.

Players who wish to make shop signs can do so by making a sign with


on the second line, and the name of the shop on the third, a sign will be made that, when right clicked, will open the store that you type on line 3.


I have many plugins you can use! Check them out! Please!

VillagesLet players claim area's and assign player plots! Very helpful indeed!Link
DomsCommandsOffers most things your server will need, offers commands, messages, chat filtering etcLink
CreditShopsBasic Shop system to let players sell and buy items, built robust and with a nice interfaceLink
SELBansAdvanced banning, kicking, muting, warning and demotion system that lets you store into an SQL database.Link
ForeverFallingFun plugin that let's you set Y limits to let players fall from below Bedrock of one world, to the sky of another, useful for skylandsLink
MailItemsSet a mailbox chest and send items to other players!Link
ShadyFoxStore player IP addresses on login and find players who are using same IP addresses, and catch those who use many IP's to evade IP bans!Link
BukkitSkillsA dead plugin of mine, never got any attention, a very basic skills plugin that was never fully completedLink
AlphaZombiesA custom gamemode plugin I made, based off the Halo 3 game mode of the same name.Link

I also run my own Server, Belleza, an Economy Based Villages server that runs most of my plugins. We're quite fun to play on and I hope you check us out!
You can also check out my site, domsPlace, where I have code ideas, information about plugins, and info about me in general!

Thanks ~Dom


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