

This video below sums up what's happening with Villages (and all my other plugins) and most likely a lot of other plugins, this is just my two cents and I would appreciate if you would watch this video.

What is it?

BukkitSkills is a plugin that allows players to earn XP in specific skills and then get potion effects that are related to the skill they're proficient in.

How it works

Players earn XP points in various skills by doing certain things (most of which is configurable) then will be able to use their higher levels to gain advantages (planned). Currently the plugin is in early development and only has a few skills, only has YML support and wont award any abilities for skills.


The following features are planned:

  • Get Potion effects for skills (such as mine faster, heal faster etc)
  • Run commands on events, such as when a player levels up. etc
  • May allow for XP to be spent (Such as buying items etc)
  • Add a command or GUI to show top players
  • More stuff for developers


I'm working on a better development page for developers to hook into all my plugins. For now you can easily reference the main plugin by adding the latest version as a library and referencing using a function like this:

public static com.domsplace.MineSkillsPlugin getBukkitSkills() {
	try {
		Plugin plugin = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("BukkitSkills");
		if(plugin == null || !(plugin instanceof com.domsplace.MineSkillsPlugin) || !plugin.isEnabled()) {
			return null;
		return (com.domsplace.MineSkillsPlugin) plugin;
	} catch(NoClassDefFoundError e) {
		return null;

Then Simply reference like so:

if(getBukkitSkills() == null) {
	Bukkit.getLogger().info("Couldn't find BukkitSkills");
} else {
	MineSkillsPlugin bukkitSkills = getBukkitSkills();

However most of my looking up of Players, Skills and Player Skill Levels are in a static context.


This project has been taken over by oxafemble, Dom has become too busy to work on some of his projects, but will continue to be here. DomsPlace.com is where you'll find his stuff.

https://raw.github.com/github/media/master/octocats/blacktocat-32.pngThe source code of this plugin can be found on GitHub.Open source allows for our users to contribute and make the plugin better, simply fork and go!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 22, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 22, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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