Bucket Control

This is a fairly simple bucket control plugin that ties into WorldGuard.

It's intention is to limit where players can empty their water and lava buckets to prevent griefing, while allowing players to use buckets on their own land.

This plugin requires WorldGuard to work.

It has 3 permission levels:

  • Level 1: Basic. Players of this level can fill their buckets anywhere they have build permission and only empty them in a WorldGuard region of which they are an owner.
  • Level 2: Intermediate. Players of this level can fill their buckets anywhere they have build permission and only empty them in a WorldGuard region where they are an owner or a member of that region.
  • Level 3: Advanced: No restrictions on bucket placement. Note: players will still be held to WorldGuard build rights so can only place where they have build permission.

There is also an admin perm node to remove restrictions of this plugin as well.

The perm nodes are:

  • Level 1: bcp.basic
  • Level 2: bcp.intermediate
  • Level 3: bcp.advanced
  • Admin: bcp.admin


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 6, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 7, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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