

/book copy <count>Copies a book <count> times
/book commit <flags>Commits your book to the database. For a defintion of flags see below this table.
/book uncommit <ID>Removes a book from the database
/book unsignMakes a book rewriteable again
/book setprice <ID> <price>Sets the price of a book
/book setflags <ID> <flags>Sets the flags of a book
/book info <ID>Prints information about a book
/book buy <ID>Buys a book
/book rate <ID> <1-5>Rates a book from 1 to 5 stars
/book search <keyword> <page>Searches for a book
/book topShows the top 10 of rated books
/book bestsellerShows the top 10 of best selling books
/book newestShows the top 10 of newest books
/book mybooksShows your books
/book addhint <bookid> <autodelete>Adds a bookhint
/book remhintRemoves a bookhint


There are serveral types of flags: nosearch - Book will not show up in search notop - Book will not show up in top private - Book will be private. You can't find it via commands. copyprotection - Makes your book copyprotected


What do you need:

  • An itemframe with a sheet of paper in it (ID 339)
  • An ID of a book which has already been commited to the database Look at the Itemframe and enter the following command: /book addhint <ID> <1 or 0>. The last parameter is the autodeletetion setting. This will delete the book from the inventory of a player after he opened it. 1 for true and 0 for false. Example: /book addhint 66 1.

Now you can right-click on the itemframe to get the book in your inventory. You can make for example some quest-like game with this feature.


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