

  • Tired of rebuilding every building in your server, because those green things ruin them all the time?
  • Tired of filling in all the explosion-created holes? Wish you could tell people to do it themselves?
  • And also you hate the mods which make the creepers just walk around without doing anything to the players?
  • Do you have a nether paradise? Do you hate the fireball spitting ghasts or players exploding beds?
  • Too much grief with TNT?
  • Those missing or randomly placed blocks from endermen triggering your OCD?
  • Having fun with fireballs but don't like the fire? Or want creepers to burn stuff too?
  • That huge hole left by Wither boss got you down?
  • AntiCreeper config.yml too confusing for you?
  • Want to spawn an Enderdragon but don't like the wholesale destruction?

If You say yes to just one of the questions, then this plugin is for You!

This plugin by Filbert66, though its roots come from @Rothens.


  • Cancels creeper environment-destroying behavior.
    • or optionally allows it but can leave 100% of destroyed blocks, allowing easy rebuilding.
    • and/or configure a height below which it is allowed, or alternatively above which it is allowed.
    • and/or define a list of blocks that are (the only/NOT) affected
    • and optionally disable sound & smoke or player damage, if you really want to
    • and selectively configure which entities receive damage or not.
  • Cancels TNT, Fireballs, Wither explosions, ender crystal, unknown explosions (from other plugins) with all of same options as for creepers, above
    • optional different configuration for wither skulls and TNT minecarts.
  • But can damage the players in all cases! (you can now control this, too)
  • Cancel various enderman behaviors, including block pickups, or just put-downs.
    • with configurable white/blacklist!
  • cancel damage caused by lightning (for you spell-makers out there).
  • disable Wither & Ender Dragon moving through and damaging blocks
    • both support configurable blocklists
  • Detailed configuration now available!
  • Multi-world support; [In 4.17] you can now turn off Anticreeper's behavior for certain explosions in certain worlds.
  • In-game commands to query, set, and save configuration items
    • allows testing config changes without making them permanent
    • save configs to disk without every manually editing config.yml.
  • disable exploding beds in the nether
  • Override explosion power to strengthen/weaken each explosion type
  • Option to throw destroyed blocks a distance based on proximity to explosion center; or, throw whole blocks and they get placed around [n 4.18].
  • Supports multiple languages on all player messages

mobGriefing rule not the same

I hope you see that this does much more than the mobGriefing game rule. Yes, it's almost the same as the default Anticreeper config, but not the same. In fact, this plugin started because it seemed incorrect that creepers can't blow up blocks when in the deep dark, mining. See my comment on this for an equivalent Anticreeper config.

Anticreeper allows you to do more, including fine-tune what/who gets damaged from explosions, at what height/depth you need to be to cause block damage, create protected block types, allow damage from one mob explosion but not another, and lastly but perhaps most significantly, nerf TNT damage which mobGriefing does nothing about!

Configuration Description & Hints

Please READ THIS LINKED PAGE FIRST before you post here with problems.

Still Not Working for you?

Most common error is misspelling your world name. Log into your world and execute these commands in game:

ac world
ac world on
ac save

First tells you if you had it on in that world. Second activates it, just to make sure. Third saves it so it sticks.

Commands and Permissions

Details about in-game commands and associated permissions are found here.


Since 4.8 the plugin now sends statistics to These are completely anonymous and help me as a plugin developer know how the plugin is being used. You can view the same data by clicking below. If you want to turn it off, simply edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and change opt-out: false to true

McStats image

Planned Features

Click here to have input into what I should do next.

Any donations are welcome and will inspire more features. :)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 28, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Jun 25, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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