A simple permission plugin, with a couple of extra features.
- /setrank <PLAYER> <RANK> – Sets the rank of a player. (ALIAS: /sr)
- /who – Displays all online players. (ALIAS: /w)
- /staff – Displays all online staff members.
- /promote <PLAYER> – Promotes <PLAYER> to the next rank. (ALIAS: /pr)
- /demote <PLAYER> – Demotes <PLAYER> to the previous rank. (ALIAS: /dem)
- /zranks <RELOAD|UPDATE> – Reloads the plugin (ALIAS: /zr)
- zranks.setrank – /setrank
- zranks.staff – /staff
- zranks.promote – /promote
- zranks.demote – /demote
- zranks.admin – /zranks
Example ranks.yml
ranks: Member: default: true prefix: §8Member staff: false perms: - permission.node promotion: Mod Mod: prefix: §5Moderator nameTag-color: GOLD staff: true perms: - permission.node demotion: Default players: UUID: rank: Mod UUID: rank: Default prefix: §8ValuedMember
Name Tag Colors:
How to enable
add this to you config.yml:
timedRanks-enabled: true
And to set how much time to promote (in the ranks.yml):
ranks: Member: default: true prefix: §8Member staff: false perms: - permission.node timeToPromote: 1h 30m 10s # Would be 1 hour, 30 minutes and 10 seconds promotion: Mod ...
Work in Progress
I am going to add a feature to colour players from a rank to a set colour in the config. I am also working on an auto-updater, I have finished the announcement of an available update, I just need to make a command to update the plugin. Use database for player's data instead of config.
- 25 ✔
- 50 ✔
- 75 ✔
- 100 ✔
- 200 ✔
- 500 ✔
- 1000
When I do, /setrank KawaiICrushh Owner
It doesnt work.. it says "That Rank Does Not Exist!"
What my config file is:
## Rank's name
## Is default rank
default: true
## Prefix
prefix: §8Member
## Is a staff rank
staff: false
## Permissions
- permission.node
## Promotes to
promotion: Mod
prefix: §5Moderator
staff: true
- permission.node
demotion: Default
prefix: §3&l-=Owner=-
nameTag-color: AQUA
staff: true
- permission.node
demotion: Default
whats the ranks
hey when I type /setrank iZadoks VIP it just repeats this: /setrank <PLAYER. <RANK> I don't know how to fix this because I am not given a rank after. This is how my config looks right now: ranks: Member: default: true prefix: §8[Member]§r staff: false perms: - permission.node promotion: Friend Friend: default: false prefix: §e[Friend]§r staff: false perms: - permission.node promotion: Trusted Trusted: default: false prefix: §6[Trusted]§r staff: false perms: - permission.node promotion: VIP VIP: default: false prefix: §a[VIP]§r nameTag-color: GREEN staff: false perms: - permission.node promotion: VIP+
Please respond with help!
I don't know why, zRanks v1.5 doesn't run on my spigot server, the configuration file is not generated,
I've been having trouble with the prefixes. Everything else works just fine, like I made other ranks like vip and i did /setrank to test it, and it said "you have been ranked up to VIP" but, when i typed a message, it didn't show the prefix.
you need to put on you page where new rank go I go the rank_yml all the time but you not say where the new rank go put it on you paand it well help new server owner like me
Do I need to put new rank beside prefix
What do you mean? You add ranks into the ranks.yml, just copy the format of one of the others and change the variables
hi not unstand how you you put new rank can you help me do you have Skype Zplugin
Sorry what do you mean?
Hello author, I will carry you plugin into the Chinese forum, in order to respect the author, I will download the address set to the original post to download, if you do not agree with my reproduced, please reply tell me, I will remove that post : D
zRanks v1.5 uploaded and
waiting approvalapproved!zRanks v1.4 for 1.7.9 uploaded and
waiting approvalapproved!zRanks v1.4 (for 1.8) uploaded and
waiting approvalapproved!Sorry about the error! I forgot to uncomment some code, will be fixed in 1.4, along with timedRanks functionality.
Sitmobedaf, Are you sure? If I make a 1.7.10 plugin it will work with 1.7.9?
I will do the database when I add commands to edit ranks, and player prefixes and stuff.
Oh, I thought I did have a reload command! Obviously not! Not even in my description. Sorry, will do that.
Ok, I might add the time on server feature, that can be completely disabled or enabled through the config.
As far as I know, 1.7.10 use API 1.7.9.
The plugin writes each player yml base? But if you play on a server 200-300 players ?! I think it should be a separate database in the format of sqlite or MySQL
Please add the command to reload the plugin.
Add the definition of the rank of playing time on the server. For example, if the player erver more than 100 hours, he issued the next rank. Checking should be at or PlayerLoginEvent onPluginEnabled. You can give the type of checking configuration.
Please tell me what features you would like to see be added, also I am looking for someone to make logos for my plugins, I need someone who can actually make good ones, I can make simple ones as well :P
zRanks v1.3 uploaded and
waiting for approval nowapproved!