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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
The flags plugin API can makes connection to cuboid protection plugin. You do not need to implements any protection plugin, Flags do it for you. If you add Flags support, zPermission will support every cuboid protection plugins.
Please provide any additional information below.
Here is the Flags link :
Note : A reason of my suggestion is because a am using a non supported cuboid system on my server.
Thanks. Definitely looks promising and the API seems simple enough.
I'm guessing the "region name" in zPerms would simply map to a Flags Area name (which basically comes from the cuboid plugin).
I'll have a look at it when I have time, probably after I deal with the UUID migration stuff.
Update : I have some plugins alligned to the plugin Flags. Flags is a nice plugin for Cuboid system connexion, but there is a negatives points. The API is complicated to use, there is a lot of cuboid data manipulation, and because of this, it is not sure you will get the correct cuboid name, specially when it is a sub-cuboid. I was trying to help the developer to simplify his plugin, but without success.
I was the owner of, I abandoned this one to use Flags instead.
Sorry for the double post. I made a pull request here. This is «Factoid», a other protection «region» plugin I made with an other developer.
@mblanchet75: Go
I didn't get any notification from github which is weird, but I did stumble upon your pull request this morning.
The diffs look pretty simple & straightforward. But I don't use git internally, so I'll have to figure out (or remember) how to merge pull requests from github.
@ZerothAngel: Go
Thank you for the acceptation of this add.
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