Zombie apoculips
Hello, this mod will hopefully be a success. This will allow zombies to poison a player or infect a player. Zombies will not die in the sun! I recommend using a dayz survival map or a custom map. The infection will boost speed and health! After a player is infected the skin of that infected player will show as a zombie villager or a rotted body. For people who have Hamachi I do have one. And it does %100 run on bukkit !
Apoculips. You know it's gonna be a good plugin when the second word isn't capitalized, and is misspelled.
OH MY GOSH... N00B ALERT! You can't even spell "Apocalypse" right! Why even bother?
I like this, will be great for me because i like playing fallout minecraft map and this will add some chalenge to it ^^
I like it. Make it fast please
I'm actually making a zombie apocalypse server now and this seems like a good plugin for the server. I hope its developed in time for the server release ;P
Seems like another plugin to be inactive but i grant you goodluck on getting it big, also you might wanna spell check next time. unless of course that is intentional...
If you didnt spell Apocalypse right on accident, maybe you should have made sure you spelled it right before putting it on bukkit :P
Nice Plugin Hope it gets big and works out
is the incorrect spelling "Apocalypse" intentional? I found it very difficult to figure out what it was supposed to say.
Please help support my idea! I wish to make this work for dayz servers!!