NoClip - Enable Zombe's NoClip on your server!
With the advent of Zombe's mod 5.9 I have been able to work with Tanzanite, the author in order to produce a version of his modpack that can allow the amazing NoClip feature on Bukkit SMP. Thanks to his wonderful work integration is as easy as can be. Simply stop your server, drop the jar into your plugins folder and restart the server. If you choose to use /reload you will need to reconnect before being allowed to NoClip.
There are a couple of things you must note:
- You must either be op or have the "zombes.noclip" permission set to true to be able to NoClip
- You must have the latest Zombe's mod from: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-v110-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v59-upd-13jan/
- Spout is NOT compatible
no updates here and no updates on md_5's dev site ( http://ci.md-5.net/job/Zombes4Bukkit/ ) *still waiting* but i think u must do it @Phoenix616
I would say you should invest some of your time :P Seeing as there is no version out for 1.7.2 that is offical he does not need to update so since you made and unoffical update should should make an unoffical version of this
Is there any chance of this getting updated to 1.7.2? Or should I invest some time on my own?
@Phoenix616 Thank you very much^^
It works with this modified version of mine: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-161162-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v822-upd-11jul/page__st__11620#entry24689573
nitzanm (the updater of the unofficial mod) forgot to include the excluded code which checks for the string Zombes4Bukkit sends to the player.
this here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-161162-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v822-upd-11jul/page__st__11600#entry24473533
noclip works fine in singleplayer with this, but only in singleplayer and not with this plugin in mp
...but i dont think that zombe get an "official" update, because its dead a long time and last versions are user updates too
What zombe update do you use? There are only "unofficial" updates for 1.6.4 released yet, as far as my knowledge goes and none of these updates can enable noclip as far as I know...
EDIT: it works with the mod provided here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-161162-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v822-upd-11jul/page__st__11620#entry24689573
There is no "official" update of zombe yet and every unofficial zombe update I could found seem to ignore the server setting, so it seems not to be a problem with this plugin but with the zombes mod pack being dead all again...
EDIT: I fixed an error in the unofficial zombes modpack version from nitzamn so that noclip works in multiplayer: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-161162-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v822-upd-11jul/page__st__11620#entry24689573
Doesn't work for me either on 1.6.4 Build # 2889.. I think i use the latest zombe mod on my client all the other tweaks are working fine. getting the same message, as if zombe wasn't installed, loads fine tho at least according to start up log..
hmm... server loads the plugin at start, but he said after try to enable it ingame, that noclip mod not enabled on this server.. with 1.6.2 its had work fine
when will comes the 1.6.4 version, ca.?
Sometimes the server will crash if someone teleports while no-clipping or flys a long ways from where originally enabling no-clip.
Thanks alot!
Unofficial Zombes4Bukkit, built against 1.6.2 available here:
-link removed, use official-
Has not been tested thoroughly, all I can say is the usual "works for me" which might not apply to everyone. Please use at your own risk, you might want to decompile and check for hidden shenanigans of which of course there are none.
Avoid toggling noclip while moving and you should be fine.
Same problem as mikeclark. It won't allow me to fly horizontally through blocks, yet vertical works fine.
EDIT: Never mind. If you have installed any kind of mod that allows separate keys for toggling 'fly' and 'sprint', then it breaks zombe's.
Could you possibly get this plugin updated by the time zombe 1.6.1 comes out?
I just wanted to say that i wrote you a pm ;)
Dev builds at http://ci.md-5.net/job/Zombes4Bukkit/ 1.5.2 supported - no need for unofficial builds
Walton Your mediafire link doesn't work... I get this message: Free accounts are limited to 10 downloads per week of each file of this type. The limit for this file has been reached. Please upload it somewhere else.
I am having problem where horizontal movement through walls is stopped Vertical movement is fine until you get to a wall or similar you are pushed out. When your underground all movement is fine and there are no problems. There is no console out put or any messages generated
i am using the latest zombes4bukkit and zombes mod pack