
YanGive - Simple and customizale Give Plugin

Hello and welcome to my first own plugin! It's not much but for the beginning its a /give plugin which allows you to cheat items! Or diamondarmor and ironarmor give! One of the best things are that you can customize the messages when you give yourself an item or an armor! So you can change the language in a way!

Commands: /give or /g <itemid> give you the specific item

/armori <player> you can armor yourself or other player with a iron armor! ATTENTION: when you have a other armor on it changes to the iron armor

/armord <player> you can armor yourself or other player with a diamond armor! ATTENTION: when you have a other armor on it changes to dia armor

Permissions: yan.give = /give

yan.armori = /armori

yan.armord = /armord

yan.armori.other = /armori <player>

yan.armord.other = /armord <player>

Remeber this is the first version of my FIRST plugin so it could be that there are some fails but it works! In the next version there will be probably all itemnames in this version there are the itemnames just to itemid 60!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 25, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 25, 2013
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