SimpleAlias 1.6.4
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UploadedAug 29, 2020
Size189.15 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
Requires Java 8 or newer!
- Added tab completion for plugin commands
- Renamed all permissions (check out the wiki for the updated permissions)
- Cooldowns are now serialized as JSON files
- Combined commands /alias set and /alias add to /alias modify
- Combined commands /alias setaction and /alias addaction to /alias modifyaction
- Added a value argument to command /alias createaction for instantly setting a command or message value
- Added a name argument to command /alias reload for reloading a single alias instead of the plugin
- Added the command /alias renameaction
- Renamed logging message variable <alias> to <alias_name>
- Added alias setting Console_Message for customizing the message which is displayed when an alias is not executable as console
- Added alias settings World_Message for customizing the message which is displayed when an alias is not enabled in your world
- Added command action setting Silent for suppressing command output
- Renamed message action setting Text to Message
- Granting a player permission for a command uses a safer method than just making the player op and revoking it after
- Added plugin setting Command_Sync for synchronizing the commands after an alias has been created, renamed or removed
- Allow the usage of lists for settings which accept multiple values
If you are upgrading from a previous version make sure to enable the converter in the config.yml!