SimpleAlias is a little plugin that makes you able to create aliases which execute commands or send messages. These actions can be ordered, based on certain conditions and highly customised. It also allows you to disable commands from other plugins, so you can for example enforce the usage of an alias. Every alias has its own config file where you can customise the settings!
- Creation of an infinite amount of aliases
- Aliases have several actions which are highly customisable
- Aliases have many settings for checks like cost, permission, cooldown, delay etc.
- Aliases act like normal commands so they support tab completion and /? <alias> works
- The usage of aliases can be logged
- Supports dynamic variables like <sender_name>, <world_name>, <group_name>, <faction_name> etc.
- Respects command blockage from every plugin
- Aliases can be fully edited via ingame commands
- Commands can be blocked with a message
All listed features above are referring to version 1.6.1+ of SimpleAlias!
Upcoming Features
- Customisable tab completion for alias arguments
- More action conditions
Click here to get to the wiki page where everything of SimpleAlias is explained. There are also installation tutorials and examples for setting up aliases!
If you find a bug, encounter an error or have new ideas or suggestions for this plugin feel free to create a ticket so we can react to things faster than posting it in the comments! However you can post feedback in the comments, but please use the ticket system for the things I mentioned.
The source can be found right here!
This plugin uses Metrics by BtoBastian to collect various data from servers.
If you don't want Metrics to collect your data you can disable it easily by setting enabled to false in the config file at plugins/bStats/
How do you put two words instead of one like if I made /give TheTwistyMaster /i.
There is an issue with simplealias on 1.14.4, i opend a ticket on github.
I'm interesting in modeling a new form of logic I came up with in Minecraft, but I have almost no knowledge about Minecraft. I modeled the logic in the original Counter-Strike 1.6 and need to update most of it for Counter-Strike GO, which I will do. The first three paragraphs of my paper that I am working on:
This logic is pure connectionism, only using connections and nothing else. I look at it as a geometry of logic. I think it could be described as “mechanical”. My system performs the logic only using one command without numeric variables, without logic operators, and without measurements. This is neither digital nor analog logic.
This is not theory, I have built a working model using this logic that demonstrates if-then, do-while, a randomizer, a relational database and other logic, including a rudimentary calculator that adds/subtracts/multiplies/divides. In the working model I only use one command for hooking in the input, a few commands for output, but all the logic in between is one command that does nothing but link commands together.
The logic demonstrated in this model uses the command “alias”, which is used in a FPS video game called Counter-Strike, which is a modification for a video game made by Valve called Half-Life, which is based on id Software's QuakeWorld engine. This command is used to link various commands together to provide a way for customizing the interface of the game. This logic requires input and output provided in the game - which, no doubt, uses Boolean logic to perform, but the logic itself is contained to using the one command “alias” which creates a new command that executes a command string.
It should be a relatively simple conversion, if anyone is interested in helping out, contact me at - I usually check this every other day or so.
What are the permissions for players to use the commands that ive made i tested it but it says "you dont have permissions to do this" i made /menu but it didnt work for players
i tried: -
In reply to Forge_User_86329598:
We rely on this plugin like few others. Half the features on our server exist because of it! It makes complicated, repetitive tasks so much easier - just make a multi-command alias to perform a pile of commands, and save 5 minutes each time :D
This plugin has worked perfectly for me for years. What command did you run and what is the alias you are expecting?
Works for me : I managed to create /gm 1 instead of /gamemode 1 fastlockel for instance. But the target command must exists and you need the permissions
This plugin is so shit. I create the alias and it says unknown command
Thanks a lot. I might add that feature then if I got time anytime soon since it was the main reason why I originally installed SA.
Thank you for the translation! I have added a link to it from our wiki!
I like both of your ideas - however DarkBladee12 needs to release this as an update!
As far as I am aware, you cannot override existing commands with aliases.
Meanwhile I found out how to create multiple lines of text. However, I still cannot figure out how to override other commands. It seems like I can only set messages for overriding commands in the config.
Could you maybe add an option to disable command checking completely?
today I updated from an extremely old version (the las one where all aliases were in one config). However, I miss some VERY, VERY important features!
Thank you in advance - Mike_x1
Adding on my previous comment of adding a <uuid> variable...the only issue I have so far is command feedback. A few plugins I use have a silent variable that hides command feedback - basically, commands run without chat output. If you could add a <silent> variable, this would make SimpleAlias verge on perfection :)
Regardless, phenomenal plugin! Excellent work! Thankyou :)
Thank for this plugin guys,
We use it for more than two years and it still awesome!
We just update our french translation of SimpleAlias's documentation, it could be usefull for your french followers. :)
Any possiblity of adding a <uuid> variable? This would be very useful for more in-depth alias commands.
You can either make a list of lines like this:
Or you can add \n between lines to indicate a linebreak!
How can I add linebreaks to messages?
Yes this is possible if make multiple actions and utilize the Enabled_Params setting. For example you set this setting to <test@0> of an alias named testalias, it'll only trigger this action if you type in /testalias test.
I have a question. Is there a way that you can alias a certain command that has multiple words in it or a command with a space in it? Cause I'm trying to create an alias for a command including multiple words and I can't figure out how.
Did you manage to get it working?
EDIT: I've messed up something when it comes to checking for duplicate action names. You're fine if your actions are not exactly named like the alias. I've deleted the current 1.6.2 file and uploaded a new one which also includes a fix for this!