
Version: 1.1 (Java 7)

A very simple experience-manager for your server! You can manage the experiences of a player. The players are also able to pay exps or levels to other players. So you can also use it as a currency on your server!

How to install:

  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Put the XPlus.jar in your plugins folder.
  3. Start your server!

Label is /xplus or /x+

/x+ - Shows information about XPlus!
/x+ help - Shows helping information!
/x+ get <player> - Shows experience-information of a player!
/x+ give <player> <xp> - Gives a player an amount of <xp>!
/x+ pay <player> <xp> - Pays a player an amount of <xp>!
/x+ reset <player> - Resets the experiences of a player!
/x+ set <player> <xp> - Set a player's exp or level to <xp>!
/x+ take <player> <xp> - Takes a player an amount of <xp> away!
/x+ top <top> - Shows a top list of players sorted by their exps!

<xp> must be a number followed by an e\E or l\L. e stands for exp and l stands for level.
Example: /x+ give notch 521e - This gives Notch 521 exps.
Example: /x+ give notch 5l - This gives Notch the amount of exps of 5 levels!

'xplus.*' - Gives you access to all permissions of XPlus!
'xplus' - Gives you access to see information about XPlus!
'xplus.help' - Gives you access to see helping information!
'xplus.get' - Gives you access to see experiences-information of a player!
'xplus.give' - Gives you access to give players xps!
'xplus.pay' - Gives you access to pay players xps!
'xplus.reset' - Gives you access to reset players experiences!
'xplus.set' - Gives you access to set players xps!
'xplus.take' - Gives you access to take players xps!
'xplus.top' - Gives you access to see the top list!

To-Do list:

  • Have an idea or a suggestion?


Version 1.1
- Added possibility to set a radius the players have to be to pay
Version 1.0
- Offical release


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 5, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 15, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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