XP Deposit


Easy way to store your XP


  • Easy way to deposit, withdraw XP from storage,
  • Easy way to give other player XP
  • Deposits based on players experience
  • Supports Vault


Commands Aliases Permission Description
/xpd deposit d/dep xpd.deposit - Deposits xp to the storage
/xpd withdraw w/withdraw xpd.withdraw - Withdraws xp from the storage
/xpd balance b/bal xpd.balance - Shows you the amount of stored xp
/xpd balancetop baltop xpd.balancetop - Shows top 10 players with highest balance
/xpd give g/give xpd.give - Gives the xp to another player.



Commands Permission Description
/xpd xp set xpd.admin.set - Sets the balance to a specific number
/xpd xp give xpd.admin.give - Gives XP to the player
/xpd xp take xpd.admin.take - Takes XP from players account
/xpd xp reset xpd.admin.reset - Resets players balance
/xpd info xpd.info - Gives you all info about player



Best way to withdraw all levels from storage is by using command /xpd w all or for depositing /xpd d all

Other permissions:

xpd.* - gives you access to all xpd commands! (including admin commands)

xpd.normal.* - gives you access to xpd commands (not including admin commands)

xpd.keepxp - If player dies, he keeps his XP level on him (If enabled in config.yml)



Since version v4.2.0 XP-Deposit supports vault, you can enable it in config.yml by setting economy to true.


Quote from Version 4.3.1 (Release) July 21, 2019:
  • Fixed exception when user joins for the first time



#                                                                           #
#                        XP-Deposit by                          #
#                           Stipess1                                 #
#                                                                           #
# After editing reload config with /xpd reload 
# DO NOT TOUCH config-version !
config-version: 1.3
# This enables & disables sound effects when player receives,sends,withdraws, etc.. XP.
# If you don't want to have sound for particular command leave it blank -> sound-recive:
# For more sounds check https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
sound-effects: true

# sound-effects needs to be set on true in order to play sounds.
# When player receives XP.

# When player sends XP.

# When player withdraws XP.

# When player deposits XP.

# When player opens an account.

# Automatic updates true (enabled), false (disabled)
auto-update: true

# Sets a minimum level deposit
# to disable it leave it at 0, max is 30
min-deposit: 0

# Allows a player with specific permission
# To deposit specific amount of XP, you can set default number down below
# Player needs 'xpd.deposit.limit' before they can deposit XP!
# Player needs permission 'xpd.deposit.limit.' to deposit more than default
# If you want to remove XP limit, give people 'xpd.deposit.limit.unlimited'
default: 120
vip: 240
mod: 360

# On player death keep XP if they have the permission 'xpd.keepxp'
# If this is set to false and players have permission, XP will be dropped.
keep-xp: false

# This sets the XP starting balance when creating an account
balance-start: 0

# When player reaches certain XP level, XPD will deposit it automatically
# if players haves permission 'xpd.deposit.auto', This will set the minimum limit for auto-deposit
auto-deposit-limit: 5


# If set to true server will use XP-Deposit as economy plugin
economy: false



STARTING_BALANCE: "&aYou get &2{BALANCE}&a XP as starting balance."
ON_CREATE_ERROR: "&4Error: &cYou have already created an account."
NO_PERMISSION: "&4Error: &cYou don't have permission to use this command!"
NOT_VALID_NUMBER: "&4Error: &cEnter a valid number."
DEPOSIT_SUCCESS: "&aDeposit successful!"
NOT_ENOUGHXP: "&4Error: &cYou don't have enough XP."
WRONG_DEPOSIT: "&4Error: &cUsage: /xpd deposit "
OPEN_ACC_FIRST: "&4Error: &cUse: /xpd create"
WITHDRAW_SUCCESS: "&aWithdraw successful!"
WITHDRAW_ERROR: "&4Error: &cUsage: /xpd withdraw "
PLAYER_DOESNT_EXIST: "&4Error: &cPlayer doesn't exist."
BALANCE_PRIVATE: "&aBalance of &2{PLAYERNAME}&a is &c private"
ACC_NOT_OPEN: "&4Error: &cPlayer hasn't open an account yet!"
XP_WRONG_USE: "&4Error: &cUsage: /xpd xp [set:take:reset:give]"
ADMIN_SET_XP: "&aYou have set &2{PLAYERNAME}&a balance to &2{BALANCE} &aXP."
PLAYER_SET_XP: "&2{PLAYERNAME} &ahas set your balance to &2{BALANCE} &aXP."
ADMIN_TAKE_XP: "&aYou have taken &2{BALANCE}&a XP from &2{PLAYERNAME}&a balance."
PLAYER_TAKE_XP: "&2{PLAYERNAME}&a has taken &2{BALANCE}&a XP from your balance."
ADMIN_RESET_XP: "&aYou have reset balance of &2{PLAYERNAME}."
PLAYER_RESET_XP: "&2{PLAYERNAME}&a has reset your balance."
ADMIN_GIVE_XP: "&aYou added &2{BALANCE}&a XP to {PLAYERNAME} &abalance."
PLAYER_GIVE_XP: "&2{BALANCE}&a XP has been added to your account."
MINIMUM_DEPOSIT: "&4Error: &cMinimum deposit level is {LIMIT}!"
BALANCE: "&aBalance: &2{BALANCE} &aXP"
RECEIVER_OFFLINE: "&4Error: &cPlayer is not online or doesn't exist!"
GIVEXP_YOURSELF: "&4Error: &cYou can't give yourself XP!"
XP_SENT: "&aYou have sent &2{BALANCE}&a XP to &2{PLAYERNAME}."
XP_RECEIVED: "&2{PLAYERNAME} &ahas given you {BALANCE} XP."
GIVE_ERROR: "&4Error: &cUsage: /xpd give "
XPD_RELOAD: "&aConfig file successfully reloaded!"
UNKNOWN_COMMAND: "&4Error: &cUnknown command type: /xpd help"
INFO_WRONG: "&4Error: &cUsage: /xpd <i/info> "
LIMIT_REACHED: "&4Error: &cYour limit is {LIMIT} XP."
LIMIT_PERMISSION: "&4Error: &cYou need &a'xpd.deposit.limit'&c permission in order to use this command."
LIMIT_GIVE: "&4Error: &c{PLAYERNAME} &chas reached the limit ({BALANCE})."
DEPOSIT_TGG_OFF: "&aYou have toggled auto-deposit to &cOFF"
DEPOSIT_TGG_ON: "&aYou have toggled auto-deposit to &2ON"
TGG_WRONG_ARGS: "&4Error:&c Usage: /xpd toggle [number]"
MIN_AUTO_DEPOSIT: "&4Error:&c Minimum auto-deposit limit is {LIMIT}"
TGG_LIMIT_CHANGED: "&aYou have changed your auto-deposit limit to &2{LIMIT}"
TGG_LIMIT_ALRSET: "&4Error:&c Your auto-deposit limit is already set to &2{LIMIT}"


Plugin uses bStats

By default, bStats sends the following data:

  • Your server's randomly generated UUID
  • The amount of players on your server
  • The online mode of your server
  • The bukkit version of your server
  • The java version of your system (e.g. Java 8)
  • The name of your OS (e.g. Windows)
  • The version of your OS
  • The architecture of your OS (e.g. amd64)
  • The system cores of your OS (e.g. 8)
  • bStats-supported plugins
  • Plugin version of bStats-supported plugins

Disabling bStats

If you don't want that your server sends data to bStats you can disable it by setting enabled to false in the bStats config file. The config can be found in the /plugins/bStats/config.yml file. bStats has nearly no effect on your server's performance and the sent data is completely anonymous so please consider twice if you really want to disable it.



This plugin uses Gravity's Updater which allows XP-Deposit to automatically download updates to new versions. If you wish to disable this or change how XP-Deposit handles the updating, you are free to do so by editing the plugin's configuration.



If you find any bugs, open a ticket!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 10, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Jul 21, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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