
You want to change player join message? Or maybe you want to hide it at all? This is the plugin you were searching for. It can make a lot of things for your server and easily replace joiners, hidestream and other plugins, which you install to operate system messages. It's fully configurable and has a lot of interesting settings.
- Disable(hide)/change join messages (supports Vault and first join message)
- Disable(hide)/change leave messages (supports Vault)
- Disable death messages
- Disable achievements messages
- Fully configurable
- Supports custom permissions for join/leave messages
- Supports playing sounds when players join to the server or leave from it
So, basically this plugin can do the work of three plugins at once! It's nice for different servers, including SMPs, lobbies, exhibitions, towny servers or servers for small groups of friends etc.
P.S. Plugin is pretty smart, so it simply won't show you prefixes and suffixes if you haven't installed Vault. But i reccomend to do so if your server has permissions system.
You are not allowed to post this plugin on other websites without my permission. Thanks for understanding.


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 27, 2023
  • Last Released File
    Oct 3, 2023
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    Oct 3, 2023