wwwLag inserts important performance data into your mySQL-DB to display them in the www. The chart can be included anywhere (php-include, iFrame or via source code)
What does wwwLag display and what features?
- Players online
- Average TPS
- (new) Loaded chunks
- (new) Loaded entities
- Free memory (can be disabled)
- IP-Filter and password-protection for inserting the data
- Configurable width and height of the chart
- (new) Manual update ingame possible
Commands and permissions
- /wwwlag update
- Updates the performance data ingame (interval not affected)
- Permission: wwwlag.update
Running example: http://www.membersofday.eu/wwwlag/wwwlag.php
Latest Beta-Build
Plugin: Link removed Frontend: Link removed
I set everything up as described, but when I view the page I gt the empty skeleton of the page, but no content inside (no tps, players, chunks etc). I'm using Debian, Spigot on 1.6.4 and accseing the actual page with pw: nopw
Your plugin seems to run smoothly except that I see this exception quite often in my server log:
Any idea ?
I've created a ticket for this issue (#7).
Thanks in advance !
Sieht mir dannach aus als würde hier veruscht werden in mehreren Threads auf eine HashMap zuzugreifen. Weil es im Craft Scheduler war könnte es auch sehr gut an bukkit liegen, am besten auch dahin berichten.
Gutes Plugin, bitte weiter entwickeln :)
Ich hätte gerne eine Option zum Einzustellen dass bestimmte Dinge (Chunks z.B.) nicht angezeigt bzw. gesendet werden ^^
Heyyhooo :)
What does this message mean?
Very good plugin, I'm using it on 1.5.2 Beta 1
That version is working for me... Do you have any additional error information? 500 and the line is not enough information to find a solution. Please take a look to your apache error logs and post the entry here (or as a github ticket). Thanks
I get error 500 because of line 76, you might want to look into that.
Since the webserver does not need to be the same server as minecraft, you can use any web hosting service, apache with mysql should be accessible for 1-2$ per month (I guess).
That is too bad. Monitoring the latency of a paid-hosting company would be very useful, but most do not provide much more than a Minecraft instance and FTP, if you're lucky.
@GumbyDammit No, sorry - you need a webserver with enabled php and mysql.
This looks very interesting. I use a host and do not have a web server to use other than the built-in one that comes with the Dynmap plugin. Is there some way to integrate this with Dynmap? I am not a web dev or admin and have no experience in this area.
Can you add table prefixing, I'd like multiple tables for this due to the fact I have multiple servers using one database?
Load https://github.com/WideCraft/wwwLag/archive/master.zip and get the content of the web directory, this is the new webfrontend! ;)
Jo, das man Ausblenden kann weiß ich,
deswegen schrieb ich ja auch "Scaling", also ob's
Infos drüber gibt, ob man irgendwie die Skalierung mittlerweile anpassen könnte in künftigen Versionen,
wie ich's schonmal angedeutet habe um alles übersichtlich zu sehen.
(Chunks & entities links, TPS und Spieler rechts.
ich meine ich hab das beim dem Google-Ding sogar schonmal wo gesehen demletzt,
sollte also irgendwie möglich sein?!)
Oder eben online, live per Klick ein- & ausblendbar.
Can you add table prefixing, I'd like multiple tables for this due to the fact I have multiple servers using one database?
yes and an apache webserver, but it is possible to have it on different servers, but thats not recommended for performance even though it should work properly.
Does this require MySQL ?
url:http://localhost/ (config.yml) not your dyn dns address if it's on the same site.
OMG you are totally right. I did not forgot to put the IP but i'm using a dedicated server at home and players connect to the server using a no-ip.org adress and i have the client software that syncs the IP (number) with that adress. The script was not recognizing the adress, and it worked after i put the real IP in the .php file.
Anyways, my internet connection does not have a Static IP... is there a way to assure that even after a connection reset, the PHP file can accept the connection without having to manually edit the file? Cheers and thank you!