WorldReset v1.3
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UploadedNov 27, 2012
Size14.58 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.5-R0.2
- Added choice (via config node) to choose between always resetting and resetting only when the '/resetworld' command is ran
- Added random seed reset feature (rather than resetting to a stored backup, the reset simply loads a brand new world with a random seed)
- Added config node to specify the worlds to regen with new seeds
- Added option to automatically run a reset when all players leave the server, after a configurable player threshold (number of players on at a time) has been reached
- Added a config node to specify the player count that needs to be reached in order to schedule a world reset
- Removed logger class - logging calls are now managed via methods in the main class
- Altered the method that kicks players when the server shuts down to remove dependency on Essentials
- Repackaged classes
- Removed Herobrine
- Added a config handler class
- Added support for multiple worlds
- Worlds no longer need a specific name in order to be imported
- World backups to import are now stored in '.../plugins/WorldReset/backups'
- Added config node for resets (world only resets if the node is set to true)
- Added '/resetworld' command (sets the aforementioned node to true and - if typed again - stops the server)
- Repackaged everything
- Added a checker so that the world deletion and import processes are not initialized unless there is a folder named 'world' in the WorldReset plugin directory.
- This is the initial release, all Alpha testing was done privately prior to publication of the plugin.