World of Minecraft

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This mod brings a boatload of rpg combat elements to minecraft. It has 10 customizable skills that determine how you fight. It has many exciting classes that you will quite enjoy.The major breakthrough here; IT USES ACTUAL HOTKEYS! You can map any skill to any key, press that key, and your character does something AWESOME.

First of all, like any RPGs, this mod has classes to fulfill. Each class has their own abilities, traits, and methods of play. Currently, the classes are:

  • Fighter - melee character that is particularly hardy in strength, vitality and endurance. His abilities are primarily focused on dealing raw damage and weapon masteries.

Current Abilities: Bash - upon the toggle of this ability, the fighter's next melee attack will deal extra damage and send the opponent flying backwards.

  • Rogue - melee trickster who employs superior dexterity and mobility to destroy his enemies. His abilities are focused around stealth, backstabs, and concealed weapons.

Current Abilities: Blade Throw - the rogue takes a concealed dagger and tosses it straight forward (looks surprisingly like an arrow), dealing dexterity based damage to the first thing it hits.

  • Magician - magic based character who employs the elements to smite his enemies.

Current Abilities: Fireball - the magician conjures forth a ball of fire that clumsily flies forward near the cursor.

Skills: Second of all, like many RPGs, this has 10 skills, as defined below:

  1. Vitality - increases HP
  2. Dexterity - increases damage done by rogues and archers
  3. Strength - increases damage done in melee
  4. endurance - increases defence against physical attacks
  5. intelligence - increases mana pool
  6. magic - increases magical damage done
  7. resistance - increases defence against magical attacks
  8. speed - determines character's chance to evade any attack
  9. precision - determines attack's accuracy
  10. faith - determines bonus healing effects

Next, the skills are planned to be able to be mapped to any key the player wishes, but for now the default is 'P'. Therefore, if someone chooses the magician class and then presses 'P', a fireball will be cast. KNOWN FLAW: This only works while not chatting a message, but this method is easily tricked if you ALT-TAB alot. To fix, you can relog.

You gain exp for killing things, extra depending on the difference between your level and the enemy's, having randomly created enemies of varying levels (based on some extremely difficult algorithm). When you level up, you gain a class specific stat allocation, 1 ability point to augment your abilities with, as well as 5 free stat points to increase however you want. To do so, see \stats below

Commands: Commands are one of my least favorite thing to code, so at the moment, if you do (BACK slash is important):

  • \stats - brings up the stat point/stat point spend screen
  • \class - brings up the menu to change classes

Loot: Coming soon is procedurally generated loot drops. So far, there is a probability of dropping weapons and armors, but the plan is to make new armors and weapons that give modifiers to a player's stats and abilities. This is a coding nightmare, so this aspect will take some time. Primary focus involves the saving of data, player mapped keybindings, and more abilities.

Notes: THIS IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT!! Thus far, the key binding is forced to be the P key, the stats screen requires exiting and revisiting to update, ability augmentation doesn't exist yet, and, most importantly, DOES NOT SAVE DATA YET


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 17, 2011
  • Last Released File
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