
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Worktable transforms every normal workbench into a worktable. A worktable can only be created and used by a player with the permission every other players have a normal workbench. Players with the permission (worktable.use.others) can also access the worktable of other players.

What does a worktable do?

A worktable looks like a normal workbench, but it saves your items you put into it. So if you close the worktable, it doesn't drop your items. They are saved in a SQLite Database, so if the server stops everything is back on restart.

How is this usefull?

I often forget some items while crafting, so I normaly had to take out all items, get the missing ingredients and recraft. But with this plugin you can close the interface go to a chest and get the missing ingredients to craft on.

What about other players?

A worktable can opened only by you. Except players with the permission worktable.use.others They can access every worktable.

What is if my worktable gets destroyed?

Items in it gets dropped out.

What about multiple worktables?

Every player can create unlimited different worktables.

What about Minecraft 1.8 name changes?

This plugins saves playernames as UUIDs, so you dont have to update if Minecraft 1.8 is released :D


  • worktable.use - Players with this permission can access and create worktables.
  • worktable.use.others - Players with this permission can access worktables of other players.


  • use-metrics = Turn this to false and this plugin no longer sends anonymous data to


This plugin doesn't implements any commands.

External Services

This plugin connects to the offical Mojang services:


It uses them to fetch UUIDs and Playernames.


This plugin creates a SQLite Database ( named database.db ). All Items get saved into it. Thanks to Codebucket for his nice SQLite Database handler ( and also his LocationSerialiser ) :D

Source Code

The source code of this plugin is available on my GitHub.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 12, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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