


The whitelist contains words which are always allowed. The blacklist contains words which will always be blocked. The "fuzzylist" contains words that, if a word is found to be sufficiently similar to the word, it will be blocked.

You can adjust how sensitive the similarity checks for the fuzzylist are by altering the "similarityThreshold" value in the config.txt file.

For information on filter modes, see this page.


Permission nodes are: wf.changelists - to view, add, and remove words from any list wf.changeconfig - to change values in the config file

All words in all lists ignore the case of the word, and all words in the fuzzylist are resistant to common "leet speak" character substitutions.

By default, if any word in a message is found to be offensive, the entire message is canceled and not displayed and the sender is notified that they used a bad word. The offense is also logged.


If you want to easily configure the plugin, ignore the fuzzylist and use the black and white lists only. They function pretty much exactly how you would expect them.

For a bit better performance, use the fuzzylist instead of the blacklist for all "bad" words and set the similarityThreshold to either 1 or 0.9 in the config. This will minimally impact the efficiency of the filter, but will yield a much more flexible filtering algorithm. For instance, just adding "crap" with a similarityThreshold of 0.9 will cause it to catch "craps" "cr@p" and other such minor alterations that would evade the blacklist.

For the most resistant and flexible protection, use the fuzzylist instead of the blacklist and the the similarityThreshold to around 0.4 or 0.5. This will reliably catch almost any attempt to circumvent the filter, however, you will need to whitelist words that are very similar to words on your blacklist yet are still acceptable.


Commands are: /wf add <list name> <word to add> Adds the given word to the given list. i.e. /wf add black badword

/wf remove <list name> <word to remove> Removes the given word from the given list i.e. /wf remove white anyword

/wf list <list name> Lists all words in the given list. i.e. /wf list black

/wf config <key> <new value> Sets the config option denoted by <key> to the value denoted by <value> i.e. /wf config debugging true


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