WhoIsInBed - A simple plugin allowing you to see a list of people in bed.
Version: v1.3.2
Are you annoyed with your users always screaming "Whoever isn't in bed go to bed or I'll blow your house up!" Well, this is your solution, this will broadcast a message saying when a player gets in bed! Also, when you type /bed it gives a list of who is in bed. So now there is no need to ask who isn't in bed! /nbed displays who isn't in bed!
The messages it displays are fully configurable (color support included!) Just look at the notes in the config!
/bed - Displays people sleeping in your world! If console shows all people sleeping!
/nbed - Displays people awake in your world! If console shows all people awake!
- Nothing, Please give me suggestions!
Version 1.3.2
- Added percent of people in world to change time
- Changed lists to show people in your specific world
Version 1.3.1
- Fixed the reload bug completely! Players are now put in the correct list!
Version 1.3
- Added option for message when entering bed as well as custom message
- Added custom message/color for /bed and /nbed
- Hopefully fixed the bug on reload
- So pretty much added configuration!
Version 1.2
- Added a No one is there message if no one is sleeping/awake.
Version 1.1
- Added /nbed for list of who isn't in bed.
Version 1.0
- Initial Release
Note: This is my first plugin, still kind of a newb. Any tips/improvements are welcome!
Also, I would like to recognize my pals from Curly Brace Productions for helping me out!
This is awesome, but maybe not instant wake up?
Sounds cool... don't know how practical that would be though
You should add a force bed command, that would spawn a bed near an awake player then put them in it, and when day comes the bed is deleted. I think the command would be something like this: /bed force in and the opposite to force players out would be /bed force out
Hey guys, just released a new build, per world lists and if x percent of people in a world are asleep it will automatically change the time to day.
Thank you for this great plugin :) My team and I really appreciate you work :)
Tell you the truth, it's pretty much done. I might add a function that if x percent of people online are in bed then it changes to day.
Should still be compatible
Nice Plugin :) any updates?
Try this...
An idea: Can u add a /nbed thor command ??? the objetive is to give a lightning over all awake players Other one: Can u add a /bed give item quantity command ???? the objetive is give items to those in bed.
Not necessary
an update for 1.4.5? or is not necessary?
Might I update this? The more experience I get, the better
That's a good suggestion!
Hey guy, It wouldn't be too hard to add like a /kicknbed command to kick players not in bed for ops, that would be cool. You could event have a permission for it