Whitelist for Geyser

This is a plugin I originally wrote for my own personal use. It overrides the built-in whitelist system.

It's meant to be used with offline servers or with servers implementing Geyser and Floodgate.


The problem with the built-in whitelist command is that it tries to add the Mojang UUID to the whitelist, which won't work for offline mode servers or for bedrock players on a Floodgated Geyser server. Typically in these instances you would have to manually change the UUID in the "whitelist.json" file or disable the whitelist, allow the player to join, and then add them to the whitelist and turn it back on.


This plugin works by adding a username to the whitelist with no UUID, and then once the player joins, it replaces the username with the players UUID. This is preferable to turning off your whitelist while waiting for the player to join.

If you have whitelist currently enabled when installing this plugin, it will import the players from your current whitelist and disable it.




/whitelist: displays all available commands

/whitelist add: adds players to the whitelist. Separate the usernames with a space.

/whitelist addUUID: adds a UUID to the whitelist. You can only add one at a time as of now.

/whitelist remove: removes players from the whitelist. Separate the usernames with a space.

/whitelist removeUUID: removes a UUID from the whitelist. You can only remove one at a time as of now

/whitelist list: Lists all of the players who have been whitelisted. If you added a UUID and the player has not yet played on your server, it will simply show "UUID:" followed by the UUID that you entered



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 7, 2020
  • Last Released File
    Nov 10, 2020
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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