Weeping angels


What it is

This allows you to bring Weeping Angels from Doctor Who into your minecraft server. Red Wheeping Angel

They function just like the Weeping Angels from Doctor who. If they are in your field of vision then they won't move for the most part. If the "attack" you they damage you along with teleporting you a random distance between 2 configurable distances away from where you are. And they will chase you if they have targeted you.

This isn't a real entity. It is simply a few blocks that act as one. They are a jack-o-lantern (pumpkin when being looked at) and either 2 stone bricks or 2 nether bricks under it with either fences or nether fences for wings respectively.

To kill an angel you must use an Eye of Ender on it three times. When attacked with an Eye of Ender the angel will teleport somewhere within a 250 block radius. When the Eye of Ender is used on the angel it is consumed.

Angel Blind:
Angels can blind players with a configurable chance and for a configurable time. This isn't a normal "oh no... black smoke" blind. This is a full on you can't see anything, not even the block directly in front of you. This is achieved by giving the player blindness and night vision at the same time. The angels don't take into account you are watching them if you have and angel blind on you.

My Other Doctor Who Plugins

Who Regeneration, TARDIS, Vortex Manipulator, Sonic Screwdriver


  • NewAngel - Spawns an angel where you are looking. Op's only.
  • KillAngels [radius] - Kills all Weeping Angels withing a radius of you. Op's only


  • WeepingAngels.Ignore - Anyone with this permission will be ignored by the Angels in all aspects.


  • TP-Distance:
    • Max: 100000 - The maximum allowed distance for teleportation in the X and Z directions.
    • Min: 10000 - The minnimum distance a player will be teleported in the X and Z directions.
    • Damage: 15 - The amount of damage the player will receive when they are attacked by an angel after they teleport
  • Speed: 4 - The maximum number of blocks an angel can move on one update. Angels update every 5 ticks.
  • Spawn-Chance: 100000 - The chance for an angel to spawn in place of a zombie. 1 out of Chance.
  • Attack Chance: 2 - The chance for an angel to target a player when they are not being watched. 1 out of Chance.
  • Worlds: - A list of worlds that the angels can spawn in.
  • Blind:
    • Chance: The chance that an angel will blind a player. Set to or below 0 to disable.
    • Time: The amount of time that and angel blind will be put on a player.

To Do

  • Needs better path-finding. Currently tries to go after it's target in a straight line for the most part.
  • Make the angels customizable
  • Anyone have any suggestions?

Known Bugs

  • The algorithm that is used to check if a player is watching an angel doesn't take into account transparent blocks.
  • If anyone finds any others please create a ticket for it


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Sep 17, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Oct 30, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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